" The morning before "

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Edrics POV

Today was the day of the ball, aka the day where I was alone while my sisters both had dates, even though it was just a fancy excuse for my parents to find a suiter for Emira and to get me to " make better connections " it still bummed me out, and also how was I supposed to find connections IF THE ONLY PERSON MY AGE IS THE GOLDEN GUARD? I just sat on a chair thinking about this until 

" Hey Ed, you there? " Emira asked looking at me, she seemed a bit concerned seeing as my face was turning a bit red " what?- oh yeah I'm fine, just thinking about the ball " I said as my face turned back its normal shade of pale as Emira said " It looks like our parents are going to try to set you up with boscha btw " one I heard this I groaned " I don't even like herrrrr- " with Emira saying " I know Ed, I understand. I'm being set up with " ThE gOlDeN gUaRd " like " hEy GuYs I'm DaTiNg ThE gEnIuS tEeN pRoDiGy " and as she said this I couldn't help but laugh but it seemed as soon as I started laughing our mother came in. 

" What are you two doing?! You both need to get ready for the ball! " She said looking at us in terror seeing as we didn't have the stones on. " got it, mom," I said getting a gem which was on a bracelet and I gave Emira her gem which goes on the middle of her shirt. We both put ours on with me having a suit on and Emira having her yellow dress on and we walked out to the living room.

Hunters POV

I woke up in a rush this morning, seeing as I had to get ready to meet the blights. I knew It was going to be boring but I hope not too boring seeing as you can use magic where they live while under my uncle's rule nobody can use magic unless they work for him, but as a half a witch I can't even really do magic without my staff.

After a few minutes and just waiting I hear kikimora at my door saying " may I come in? " once I hear this I walk over to the door opening it asking " what is it? " she replied with " Emperor Belos has sent me to tell you that you have a marriage sent up with Emira Blight but you'll get 2 months to know each other so you won't be miserable all the time. And also get ready to leave because you are leaving with the Emporer in 5 minutes " once she said this she left closing the door while walking away with two guards by her side. 


At 5:20pm, Belos, and Hunter arrive at the Blights castle. The castle was pretty big having three and a large layout with included a garden and a little patio. They walked inside to see the three blight kids the youngest amity in the middle. The Adults went to another room and said " ok you four get to know each other, we'll be gone for about 30 minutes "

Edrics POV

As Belos walked in I saw the golden guard he had a scar on his cheek and a cut on his ear, with his dark red eyes which seemed a bit pink. He also had his hair pulled back with a strand of hair in the front, but as I was admiring him I heard him say " Hey are you ok? Your face is really red "  " what?- oh yeah I'm fine don't worry about it- " I said awkwardly chuckling as he continued on to introduce himself. . . 

Hunters POV 

I walked In with my uncle I saw Emira and someone who seemed to be her twin, he almost looked just like his hair, his outfit, and a seemly prettier face. He was staring at me for a while with a red face and had to ask him if he was ok and I continued to introduce myself " so, anyway my name is Hunter, Hunter Wittabane. What about you guys? " I asked and the youngest one replied " I am Amity Blight and these are my sibling Emira and Edric " once she said this the twins said " hi, " I talked to Emira for a while and Edric talked to Amity. Once In a while, I'd meet eyes with him but then I'd always turn back to talk with Emira. I found out she had a girlfriend and that her sister did too but her brother was single at the moment. We talked about the arranged marriage and how she liked girls and I liked guys, we mostly just talked about how to pretend to be married and stuff until Queen Odalia said " ok kids time for the ball, Emira you will dance with Hunter and Edric you dance with boscha," as she said this I could hear him groan and say " yayyy " sarcastically 


They all talked for a while until it was time for the ball, Hunter talked with Raine a bit while Amity talked to her girlfriend, who was Human. Edric and Emira talked a bit and a bit later in the night Raine had to do stuff, Emira also had to do something so Hunter and Edric just talked.


After Raine left me to do stuff and Emira left Ed to do things, I started to talk to Edric. Edric seemed strange but nice, he'd say things like " we have beautiful flowers but they're not as beautiful as you " to which I'd say " uh thanks?- " and it'd be awkward for a bit till Edric would start up the conversation again. Being with him was . .nice but strange he made me feel a type of way when he looked at me with his golden eyes, sadly this feeling didn't last forever seeing as I had to dance with Emira the rest of the night. Luckily it was only 10 minutes of dancing so it went by quickly and I got to go to the room I was going to stay in for that night seeing as It was best because I had to go to know Emira but once Edric showed me the room I'd be staying in and left me alone I just kept thinking about him quietly asking myself  " what even is this feeling- " until I heard a noise at my window . . .


word count: 1154 words

" The ball that started it all . . . " - a Goldric storyWhere stories live. Discover now