CHP:23 :Kunfused Detectiveness

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Grand Mother went upstairs to call y/n,
I talked. About with grandfather till grandmother came after calling y/n downstairs

GdF:she is coming u guys can talk we will go to our please tell us if u both need anything

Kun:sure , thank you so much for dinner ,it was really nice to meet u both .

GdM:u r a very good child

GdF:she s right ,it was very nice to meet u bye

Kun:bye bye

They went and y/n came
She was in her nightclothes,so i was wrong ,wait a minute ,nopes i wasn't she made a mistake ,she was still wearing those earings and that bracelet they were the same i am 110 percent sure that Cherie wore the same think i could see that she wiped the makeup .now it is is 100 percent confirmed that y/n and Cherie are the same person but i have to act like i don't know it and find out the reason why she is hiding her identity.
That reason can be asked by those two extra suspicious people i will talk to them once that come home.but yeah this means that her grandparents i mean our grandparents also knows about her being mafia no being the Mafia Queen.

Y/n:ohh Kun oppa what are u doing here,shldnt u be in the after wedding party.

Kun:hmm u r right ,i shld be there but i neede to go to back to the mansion but i lost my key to the mansion and no one else brought an extra key even the guards didn't have the key to the house
Then i remembered u have an extra key so i came to ask u for that ,others are still at the party.its only me going home for some work .

Y/n:yup oppa sure i have an extra key wait a minute ,i will bring it

she went to a drawer near the door and got the extra key .

Y/n:here u go oppa

Kun: thanks

Y/n:u r welcome oppa

Kun:sure then i will leave now I have some work to do ,some mom's work ,and thank you for it and sorry to disturb u sis ,bye bye

Y/n:it's literally okay oppa. Bye ye oppa
I will come back tomorrow .

I then went out and left the house to go to our mansion.

End of kuns pov

Y/ns PoV:

Wahhh hussh Kun oppa left i was never this much nervous before ,im happy that i was not caught .it's all thanks because of the security guard .

~Flash back the time when Kun came :

Security:yes Mr how may I help u

Kun:hello i am Kun ,i cam here to meet my sister
y/n and my new grandparents.

Security:sure wait a minute

The security called me when i was talking with Pentagon and oneus and loona ,i picked up the phone

Y/n:hello ,yes uncle why did u called did something happen

Security:yes mam some Kun guy has come here and is asking for u?he says he is ur new brother

Y/n:yes he sis my brother but why is he there ,when he shld be here in the party,anyways let him in the house i will call halmoeni and haraboeji and tell them about his presence bye

Then i called Haraboeji

GdF:hello yes y/nnie ,

Y/n:haraboeji ,u know Kun right he is one of my new brothers he has come there and as u already know today is the the grand Mafia Mask Party and to be able to attend the party i told the that i will be coming to u guys house as my alibi i already gave my bag that i brought with me to the security guard ,he must have put my bag already in my room ,so just please go and meet him and make some time waste till i reach there it will take only 5 minute to reach there i promise.

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