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We ( Me, Haechan ,Ryujin and Chaeryeong) then went to a quiter place on the beach it was a boardwalk on the beach there was no one except us and there we saw Jeno and Jaemin there we went towards them and I kept my hands on the railing to see the sunset it was so beautiful to look at and then found Jeno came and stood besides me and said

Jeno: Beautiful

Y/n: yup it is beautiful kind off stress reliever

Jeno: No but I was not telling it to the sunset I was telling it to you

Y/n: huh?

Jaemin: Jeno we 4 will be back soon we are going a little further there towards the shop if you both want you guys can stay here and then directly go others on the beach first

Jeno: okay bye

These 4 what should I do about them how can they leave me alone with him like this , Lee Haechan and Jaemin just wait till we reach home I will beat u both ugh my heart is beating faster after he called me beautiful why does he always blurt out words like these so carelessly

Jeno: so love how was you day? and I was saying you looking beautiful as always

Y/n: Lee Jeno seriously who is spoiling your innocent mind like this? who is your teacher ?

Jeno: no one , now answer love ? how was your day

Y/n: even u know it Jen how my day was so why do u wanna know , u were there present during the meeting and lunch did u forget huh little baby

Jeno: well love u can remove that 'little' and babe I asked because I wanted to hear you answer saying that you day was as spectacular as u are love

Y/n: Jen seriously

I couldnt hide my blushing as he was right infront of me so I turned to face towards the sunset but then he hugged me from behind with his hands in my waist and his Head embeded in my shoulder near my neck I could feel his warm breath on my neck it sent chills down my body but it felt warm too in his embrace

Jeno: Love lets stay like this for some minutes , u smell good and u look cold so take my warmth

Y/n: sure

Jeno: Love u r so comfortable I feel sleepy so safe in your embrace 

Y/n: thanks for the warmth Jen

We stayed like that for some minutes but then Jeno moved his head and kept his chin on my shoulder

Jeno: it feels amazing to see the sunset with you Y/n ,you feel like HOME

Y/n: Home?

Jeno: yup as you know HOME IS NOT A PLACE BUT A FEELING ,THE HAPPIEST AND SAFEST FEELING also HOME IS WHERE YOUR HEART IS and love u have my heart so obviously my HOME is you.

Then JENO stopped hugging me and turned my body to face him there was litterally no space between our bodies and faces , Jeno's face was only one inch away from mine, he was looking into my eyes but then he shifted his eyes down to my lips and said in his husky voice it sounded like music to me

Jeno: Babe u look breath takingly beautiful even from this close like an angel , I like how you smell babes , Love may I kiss you

I nooded slightly and soon felt his soft lips on mine he kissed me softly then hugged me I hugged him back with my face on his chest then after staying like that for a minute he parted away and took my face in his hands and cupped my face and kissed my forehead

Jeno: babe I love how u make me always get attracted to you like a magnet , I love that u are the reason my heart beat so fast with this inhuman speed ,babes u are like a camera because everytime I look at you I smile even without knowing ,I love to cuddle you, I love how cute u looked in my Hoodies during our movie time, I love to be in your embrace Love ,babe I love those stars in your eyes they want me to look more and more deeper into you , I love how you made me feel jealous when hyunjin was close to you at that time, I like u babes ,no I LOVE YOU LEE Y/N , I love you freaking so much , I am in love with you Y/n ,u made me fell in love with you babes , I love you very very much Love . Y/N will you accept my love for you and would you like to be my girlfriend ?

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