Lost Souls, Kintoru

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"I wouldn't have so much confidence if I were you

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"I wouldn't have so much confidence if I were you."

- [Yan!Sama/Kintoru x Fem!Reader]
- [Fluff]
- [ + Obsessive behavior, Gore, Killing]

-- 🦋

ONE turn right and one left..or was it right and right again? The girls mind was clouded with questions, what if she took a wrong turn? Where did her friends go? And where was that butterfly spirit?

She hadn't came upon anybody yet, and that was unusual. She was overall sure she had seen the silhouette of somebody passing by when she entered this oh-so-lovely village.

The butterflies had guided her, guided her towards a map and from that, the place seemed huge. The voice inside her head had stopped talking too, or should I say giving her orders.

She had to find a butterfly spirit inside one of these gardens, yet she had been searching for hours. Even though she was going crazy looking for the gardens, she had yet to check two.

Perhaps it was better that she hadn't came upon anybody yet, that would be one distraction and would surely make her even more distressed.

Anxiety hitting red, she took another turn only being able to hope that it would be the correct direction, nothing again.

The same long boring path greeted her, and she was losing it. She felt distressed, and soon would be losing even more of her already broken apart sanity.

She could swear that she would feel somebody watching her, yet when she'd turn around, nobody. Hell, not even a trace of somebody ever being there.

She was tired, distressed and very off the edge. Making her way down another path looking around hoping to find the entrance of a garden but no.

Just a safehouse and lanterns scattered around in order to produce some sort of light.

And as she walked down the path, she heard heels clicking in the distance.

She froze, trying to understand which way they were coming from yet, it was a useless attempt.

She hurried off into the safehouse, shutting the door behind her just in time before the heels sounded very close by.

She listened, trying to make out if the sound was close or far, nothing.

The silence returned, her breathing being the only thing she could hear for a good twenty seconds or so,

Knock knock

The knocking sound on the door startled her, she turned her curious gaze towards the door and waited for some seconds before slowly approaching it.

Gripping the door handle she decided to not overthink it much and open the door already,

The door opened and she peaked outside,

Then it hit her.

The disgusting smell hit her nose almost immediately and her gaze strayed towards the floor.

Where the freshly killed corpse of her friend rested,

Her eyes widened and she opened the door fully in order to see her friend better,

In her petrified state, she hadn't noticed the white butterfly spirit that stood on her friend corpse.

Her friend was, hurt to say the least. Blood trailed from both they're stomach and mouth, they're eyes were wide with shock and all kinds of cuts littered they're body.

She got down, and pulled her friend onto her to try and help in some way, she tried to brainstorm a way of saving her friend yet,

Deep down inside she knew she couldn't.

The sight of the corpse disgusted her to say the least, she couldn't stand looking at it.

"So, you aren't going to take the spirit? I thought you were looking for it for long enough."

Her eyes widened,

"Oh please, I try be kind once and you don't even respond huh? Well then I suppose I could just take it back."

She was dazed, yet she didn't want to quiet glance at the person currently talking to her, simply because she knew that she was the killer of her beloved friend.

"No, I want it"

She mumbled, avoiding her gaze.

"Hm? What was that now? Speak louder dear I can't hear you."

She said in a mocking tone,

"I said I wanted it."

The girls voice got louder, not too loud. Just loud enough for her to hear.

"Well then, why won't you take it?"

She questioned, curious gaze falling onto the girl.

No response,

"Well, then I suppose I could just give it to you if that's what you want"

She bent over, picking the butterfly spirit up by its wing and bringing it closer to the girl who seemed to be hesitant about taking it.

"Oh please now, don't be so shy. Take it, I won't bite I promise."

That didn't help the situation yet with the confidence the girl had left, she outstretched her hand to take the butterfly spirit,

But right as she was about to take the spirit,

She crushed it using her hand.

"Oh my! What a misfortune, it appears I have accidentally crushed the butterfly, my bad dear."

She mocked the girl, who was probably about to snap soon. Her last hope of escape, crushed.

The smirk never left that witches lips, she had planned this out.

While the girl stood there in shock, hand still outstretched to grab the butterfly spirit, with a swift move she grabbed her wrist and pulled her up, causing the corpse on her to fall off onto the floor again.

"Hey! What even are you do-"

"Quiet! I'm trying to see something."

She pulled the struggling girl closer,

"Just as expected."

She then dropped her,

"There you go, happy? I let you down."

----- {🦋}

I don't exactly know how to make Kintoru act so we're sticking with this.

First time writing about one of the four beasts and eh, it's alright. But just know I will be making them be vicious and not change they're ways due to love, I can imagine them staying the same but getting pretty worse,

Such as Kintoru here getting a bigger urge to manipulate and mind control someone she loves, just my way of thinking though

Anyways, hope you enjoyed. Thank you for reading and thank you for your patience!

PS : you already know the drill, ignore any mistakes

-- Author !!
[1033 words]


-- 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 // 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐜Where stories live. Discover now