Idiot number one

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I was lead down the hall by Hajime, towards my new cell. I didn't really know what to expect from my new "cell-mates", but if I understood the warden correctly they had a nack for escaping just like me. That could come in handy I suppose.

We came to a stop in front of one of the steal doors in the long hall, cell 13. Hajime motioned me to stop and stand back a little.

"I'll check in with them before you go inside."

"Do they know I'm coming?"

"They know they're getting a new cell-mate, but that's about it." He answered before unlocking the door, and stepping inside.

"WTH" I head Hajime screaming from inside, his sudden outburst startled me.


I took a peek inside, and saw Hajime holding a guy up by his collar, screaming to his face. The guy, a big dude with purple and red hair looked startled for a moment, before his face turned annoyed. He started yelling back.


Hajime let go of him, and he slammed to the ground with a *thump*. He quickly got up and got in Hajimes face.

"What's the big deal?! I'm not the one who's gone!"

"Yea?! And why is that anyways?! Why are you the only one who stayed?!" Hajime yelled. Was he really mad at him for "not" escaping his cell??

"You're mad at me for not joining them?! Wth is wrong with you?!" The guy was really getting pissed off. Was this place really safe?

"Well, whatever, I'll go catch those idiots, you stay here. You got that?!" Hajime was about to barge through the door to run after the others, but half way through he crashed right into me, and I fell backwards.

"Ouch.. seriously? What, did you already forget about me or something?!" I said, slightly annoyed myself.

"Oh right.. hey, number 69, got a new cell-mate for you here." He said as he glanced back at the guy who's number was apparently 69. Heh, nice.

"Huh? Oh right, that was today." He said as he rubbed the back of his head. Hajime turned back to me.

"Get in there, I'll be back as soon as I've dealt with the others." He didn't wait for me to react, rather, he just pushed me inside and slammed the door shut. I could hear him murmuring annoyed to himself as he rushed down the hall.

"Hey, I'm Rock, and you ar--" as I turned around to face him he stopped and stared at me.

"Ah...AAAH?!" I stepped back a little, and shot him a nervous, awkward smile.

"Are you a girl?! Or is this like Hajimes brother all over again.." he looked at me confused. Hajime has a brother?

"Uh, yea" I said carefully, "yea I'm a girl, my name is y/n." I straightened up a bit, to seem more sure of myself. He stared blankly at me for a second before his face light up, and he bolted right up to my face and stared down at me.

"You serious?!" He smiled at me and picked me up for a hug.

"I haven't seen a girl in ages, this is great!" Oh boy..

"Yea" I coughed through the tight hug. "Nice to meet you too." He let me down and I took a few steps back to catch my breath.

"Sorry about that, got overly excited, heh." He let out an awkward laugh.

"You're like, really pretty though, this is so lucky, I can't wait for the others to meet you!"

"Oh yea," I said, "about the others.."


"Why didn't you escape with them?"

"Oh, well I had just gotten the menu for tomorrow's dinner, I just had to read it! I couldn't just leave. I'll join them next time." Next time? What's going on with these guys..

"You wanna see?" He grabbed the menu he was talking about, and waved me closer so I could check it out. I might as well try to get along with him, maybe it'll make it easier for me when the others come back.

"Yea sure, I'll check it out." I said as I walked over and sat down next to Rock. Sure enough, it was a menu.

We sat there for a good while, he was jabbering along about different foods, and I just listened to him talk. It was honestly kind of nice.

I'll be honest, my first impression of Rock was kind of rough. He seemed very.. thug-ish? But after having talked with him for a good while, he honestly seemed like a nice guy. I mean sure, he's a prisoner, but so am I so who am I to judge?

Sitting there I started to wonder when Hajime would come back. And, of course, how my other cell-mates was. Rock had told me their names, Nico, Uno and Jyugo.

I wonder how they are gonna be..

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