Idiot number three and four

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"What the HELL are you three doing?!"

Hajimes face was blood-red with rage, and it looked like he could wring up all our necks right then and there. His patience was long gone. Before we could muster up any kind of reaction he held up two people by their back collars, and proceeded to chuck them inside the cell, knocking Rock down to the ground along with them. While the three tried to untangle and get themselves up from the floor, me and Jyugo turned back to Hajime.

He was still standing outside the door-opening, staring us down. When it looked like he was about to take a swing at Jyugo as punishment for picking the cell-lock, he quickly tried to de-escalate the situation by attempting an explanation. 

"We weren't trying to escape this time, I swear!" Jyugo backed up a couple steps to hopefully dodge the incoming punch.

"Yea!" Rock continued, finally having stumbled his way to his feet. "We just wanted to show y/n that he could! We weren't actually gonna leave this time!"

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.. you expect me to actually belive that?!" Hajime was only growing angrier, but as we thought we were done for he took a step back and sighed loudly in defeat. "Fine.. my shift is almost over, I don't have the energy to deal with you right now. Just get the FUCK back into your cell and STAY there. ALL OF YOU."

And with that he slammed the door shut, locked it and stomped annoyed down the hall.

After taking a second to take in what just went down I turned to the others. I finally got to take a good look at my last two cellmates. One of them was wearing an orange jumpsuit with long, green hair, red eyes and bandages wrapped around him multiple places, including one of his eyes. The other one was taller, with long blonde and pink striped hair braided into one long braid. He was wearing a white and blue striped jumpsuit, with the arms of it tied around his waist, a black tank top and a hat matching his jumpsuit.

The taller one rubbed the back of his head and sighed out;
"Man, busted.. I was winning too."

"Yea!" The green-haired one cut in. "Hajime interrupted my game, I was about to beat my highscore!" He whined.

Rock and Jyugo then smiled big at them both, looking back and forth from eachother and the two new guys.
"What are you two so happy about..?" The tall one said annoyed.  They then looked over at me and said in unison; "We have a new cellmate."

"Oh yea, that was today, wasnt it?" he answered with a sigh, rubbing the back of his neck.
"A new cellmate? Sweet! .. no one scary, right?" the other one said with a small, nervous laugh. I clared my throat slightly to get their attention.
"Hi, yea, that would be me.. I wouldnt say I'm that scary." The two of them looked over at me, staring me up and down. The taller one came a step closer, almost examining me.
"Is this some kind of trick? I wont fall for this.. is this like with Hajimes brother?"

Hajime has a brother? I thought to myself.

Rock chuckled to himself.
"Nope, its not a trick, Uno, Its real this time." The tall guy, who's name was apparently Uno, expression changed rapidly to shock, before changing again. Now it has a big grin plastered on his face. He closed the distance between us in a split second, taking my hand and guiding it up to his face like he was going to kiss it. I just stood there, having little to no time to react before he started speaking.

"Hello gorgeous. My name is Uno, it's a pleasure to meet you." I could tell he was used to talking to girls, unlike the others. I hated admitting it to myself, but he was quite charming.. for a criminal, that is. The others stared annoyed at him. Before I could answer, Rock grabbed the green haired guy's shoulders and pushed him between me and Uno, making us both take a step away from each other. Something tells me he did that on purpose.

"And this is Nico!" Nico just waved awkwardly at me with a nervous smile on his face. Looking over at Uno I could tell he was frustrated with the interruption. Finally my brain started to catch up to everything, and I managed to open my mouth to speak again.
"Great to meet you all, my name is y/n, I hope we can all get along." It would be best to be on friendly terms with these guys. They look harmless enough, but the rest of this prison might not be.

<<<< Writers note >>>>

<<<< Heey, sorry about the massive pause.. I dont really have a good excuse heh, but I'll try to be better! Who's yalls favorite character in Nanbaka? Anyone I should focus on? <: >>>>

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