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Continue from the previous part...



"What made you treat me with an ice cream, all of a sudden?" Taehyung asked you, as you both were walking towards a near by ice cream parlour, late in the night. While you looked at him with a smiled then said. "We are friends right? So atleast I can treat you with an ice cream." Taehyung's heart did a few back flips making him smile while he just nodded his head and kept on walking.

You must be thinking what happened between you to suddenly? Well, after that night your Taehyung's relationship did a flip as things were much better between you two. Your brain almost losted over your heart because of Taehyung's care towards you. You have realized that treating him wrongly was your life's biggest mistake and you didn't wanted to repeat the same mistake again and again, when you were already aware about his intentions clearly which were all in favour to you. So you yourself went to him and raised the hand of friendship towards him, making his heart flatter atleast you considered him as a friend, but unknowningly you were falling for him.

Back to the story, so soon you both reached infront of the ice cream center, entering inside you both asked for your favourite flavours of ice cream and came out with your own cones in your hands.

While leaking onto your ice creams you both were walking silently on the road under the starry sky. There was a comfortable silence between you too, but soon Taehyung broke the silence and said, "Are you done with your project?" He asked while you looked at him for a split of second and nodded your head with a smile, as you both looked straight. "I see, you are really quick with it." "Hm, and Sam really did a great job as well, without him it won't have been possible." You said.
"Oh! It's seems as if you started to be friends with him." He scoffed out of jealousy, while you gave him an annoyed look. "I was just praising him for his work. Wait- are you by any chance jealous my dear friend?" You said as you raised your eyebrows in a teasing manner, whike he looked away. "Lmao, why would I?" He chuckled and walked past you and hits his feet to a near by stone harshly that a painful curse left his mouth while his ice cream fell down making you rush at him worriedly.

"Omg Tae what happened? Show me." You made him sit at the near by bench, while painful chuckle left his mouth. "Uh.. no it's nothing, I'm fine." He said with a frown on his face but you were stubborn, but at the same time polite as well. "Stop lieing ok, tell me how did you got hurt?" You asked as you held his face in your palm, making him forget his pain. While you both looked in eachother's eyes making him forget all his pain. But as soon as you realised your proximity with him, you broke the eye contact then looking away from him then you said, "let's go home, I'll treat your wound over there."

You got up and moved ahead when you suddenly stepped on the fallen ice cream, your foot slipped and you were about to land on the ground on your butts but before you could even fall, you felt an arm snaking around your waist pulling you closer. Your eyes landed on him, his face was just a few inch away from yours making you feel anonymous churns inside your stomach.

You both looked in eachother's eyes when he slowly traced your figure with his hand reaching to the back of your neck, making both of your eyes closed. Your lips were just an inch apart almost ready to meet with eachother's, when a bright light hits your faces, along with a long of honking sound inside your ears. The car came really nearer to you two but before it could have hit you both the driver took a flawless turn, then stopping the car in a corner he literally shouted at you both.

"AISH! THIS GENERATION HAS NO SHAME LEFT, GET A ROOM ATLEAST. WANNA DIE WHILE KISSING? KIDS THESE DAYS HAVE FOUND NEW WAYS TO TROUBLE PEOPLE." The driver drove off but you both were left embarrassed to even face eachother, so seperating from eachother you guys quickly looked away.

"I-I'm sorr--" "Let's go home." You cut him off and started walking towards your shared apartment, while he just starred at your retreating back but soon followed you.

Coming back to the apartment you straightaway went to your room without even saying a single word or greeted him with a good night to him, which made him more worried and mad. "I again fucked up. I need to sort things out between us, as quick as possible. I can't affort to have any kind of misunderstandings amongst us now." He said then looking at the closed door your room he went inside his.

Time skipped to the morning.

Taehyung woke up early in the morning and cooked your favourite kimchi toast, fried rice and dalgona coffee for you two as an appology. Soon after you came out after getting ready in order to cook breakfast but before you could move any further your nose hits the strong smell of food. You looked towards the dinning to only found Taehyung sitting on chair with food placed on the table. He hesitantly smiled at you while you smiled back, then you went and sat next to him.

"Why did you cooked so much? We would have managed with some toast and eggs." You said with a stern face.

"Well, take it as an appology from me. I'm sorry Y/n that just happened in the heat of the moment." "It's alright Tae I'm angry or upset with you don't worry." You lightly smiled at him making him worry free, he smiled at you brightly, making your morning even more brighter. You had breakfast chirpily talking about some random stuff, which you two usually do whenever use to eat together.

Well, if you were curious about that agreement between you two. You had already throwed that inside the bin along time back.

"Did you liked the food?

"I loved it." You both smiled at each other.

Scenario for a week:-

Your closeness started to hit the bars, everytime you went close to him your mind started to loose over your heart. You didn't wanted to except the fact that you were falling for the guy whom you never wanted to, but love never asks for anyone's permission, it's just happens. While as the days were passing both of yours friendship was growing along with your feelings, also you guys were getting way too much comfortable with eachother, which may lead you two to face it consequences in bad or good manner, totally dependent on the situations.

Well, it was a usual evening for you two, he cooked for both of you as it was his turn to cook. While you were reading one of your favourite novel, he called your name 2-3 times from the outside but you didn't replied him back. So being annoyed he himself came to your room and snatched the novel from your hand making you stern but the moment you looked at him you gave him an angry expression.

"First of all eat then read whatever you want to." He said. "Tch! I'm reading a really importnat part of the novel Tae give it back." You scoffed. "Y/n, you are reading the same novel 10th time." He said in disbelive. "So what? Give it back." You got up from the bed to snatch the book from his hand but he lifted his hand up in order to keep the book out of your reach, but you were even more stubborn so you tried to reach his hand as you stood on the bed. But your foot slipped and you fell on him but in all this he also struggled because of the sudden burben on him making him fell on the bed. And the worst part was you too fell on top of him to only look in eachother's eyes being on peak of your emotions.

                              To be continued...

Hope you are liking this!💜

ANTI- ROMANTIC- KIM TAEHYUNG ✔Where stories live. Discover now