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Continue from the previous part...

"First of all eat then read whatever you want to." He said. "Tch! I'm reading a really importnat part of the novel Tae give it back." You scoffed. "Y/n, you are reading the same novel 10th time." He said in disbelive. "So what? Give it back." You got up from the bed to snatch the book from his hand but he lifted his hand up in order to keep the book out of your reach, but you were even more stubborn so you tried to reach his hand as you stood on the bed. But your foot slipped and you fell on him but in all this he also struggled because of the sudden burben on him making him fell on the bed. And the worst part was you too fell on top of him to only look in eachother's eyes being on peak of your emotions, making your heart beat crazily inside your chest.

Loosing yourself on him you placed your lips on his and started sucking his lower lip, while he intantly gave him as he kissed you back with same intensity. Unconsciously his hand slides under your over sized t-shirt in order to pull you even more closer giving you chills down your spine. Then in no time he switched the position taking you under him, and breaking the kiss he looked at you then smiled lightly as he kissed you again this time taking it to another level as he entered his tongue inside your mouth exploring each and every corner of your mouth hungrily as if all his craving were coming to an end, but little did you both know you were getting addicted to eachother's taste.

You both went out of your senses completely not realizing it's consequences in future. Breaking the kiss he came down towards your nape inhaling it's strawberry scent he started giving you open mouth kisses all over your neck, making you gulp down out of pleasure. Soon he found your spot soft as he bit you over there earning a sinfull moan from your mouth turning on him even more. As he sat straight and took off his t-shirt, while you traced your hand on his bare chest, then you pulled him over you and hugged him tight making you both close your eyes in eachother's warmth. He lifted his body a little as he pulled your t-shirt to have a proper skinship with you, while you both again closed your eyes in intense pleasure of skinshipness.

But suddenly your phone rang bringing you both out of the trance, making the realization hitting you hard. You looked at your condition and the skinship, making your eyes welled up at your own condition. You never thought that you'll end up like this with him. You quickly pushed him harshly by his chest making him fall on the otherside of the bed, being embarrassed. While you took your t-shirt from the ground and went out of the room picking up the phone from the bedside. While he rans his fingers through his hairs as tears rolled down his eyes. "Shit!"

You wore your t-shirt as you stood out of the room, while tears were continuously flowing from your eyes, but your phone ranged again you picked the call this time as you wiped up your tears.

"Yes Mrs. Wang? Oh! Thank you so much. I'll shift to that apartment by tomorrow morning itself. Thanks once again, bye." You cut the call and fall down on your knees as you broke in tears. "What did you do Y/n? How will I ever face him now? I was the one who never allowed him to even come near me but now I'm the only one who crossed all the limits. How could I?" You were ashamed of yourself, you felt like a culprit in your own eyes, culprit of Taehyung.

Taehyung came out grabbing your attention you quickly wipped your tears and got up from the floor. "Mrs. Wang called and she told me that she had found a new apartment for me, and I'll be shifting myself tomorrow itself." You said while your eyes never left the floor, while Taehyung was startlted by your words. "But-" he started saying but before he could say anything you left him all alone in the living room and went straight to your room, while closing the door with a thud you sat down with the support of the closed door, as tears flow down your eyes. Meanwhile Taehyung felt a pang hitting right on his heart breaking it into million of pieces. He looked at your closed door, as tears never left his cheeks. He sat near your rooms door leaning onto it, and cried the whole night with you not even letting eachother know that you both were crying for eachother.

Time skipped to the next morning.

Your tears dried up, but heart was full of pain. It was a new day with alot of changes in both of your lifes, but nothing was good about the change neither that made you happy in anyways. All what you both were getting was pain because of the shattered pieces of your hearts.

You came out of your room with your belongings all set to leave your house which became your home because Tae. You knew that one day you have to go, but this is how all this gonna end was breaking you even more. You looked all around the house all the flashes from the past played infront of your eyes. Which made you smile through the pain as well, but you can't afford to give more pain to him so you quickly went out of the house, with tears in your eyes.

Meanwhile Taehyung watched you leaving in a taxi through the window in his room but not even a tear escaped his eyes. May be he had learned over a night how to fight through his pain. May be he was letting you go out of his life. May be he was tired of continuously running after you, and why not you already gave him alot of hard time in his life.

You went to your university after few days as all these days you were gathering courage to face Taehyung. So, the day you felt you have enough courage to face him you got ready and left for the university. You face looked pale, while everybody in the university was looking at you as if you were a ghost but ignoring all those stares you straightaway went to your class. Then reaching inside you scanned the whole room in order to search for Taehyung, but you didn't found him anywhere. So settling yourself on your usual sit you waited for him to show but the lectures passed one by one and like that the whole day ended but to your surprise Taehyung never came. Your heart wasn't feeling right about this while weird and scary thoughts crossed your mind making your heart beat crazily.

"I need to go and see if he is fine or not." You thought then collecting your stuff you were about to leave when someone holds your hand and stopped you to move any further, while you turned to only look at the person in disbelive.

                                  To  be continued...

Hope you liked it.💜

ANTI- ROMANTIC- KIM TAEHYUNG ✔Where stories live. Discover now