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The moon shines on my face
The night darkens
Retired of my thoughts
I can't keep running around this maze

Trapped in these thorny pathways
or maybe I meant my mind
I can't feel the breeze in my hair
Hidden in the corners- him,  find

See those eyes - eyes that tell a tale
A tale of how hate killed a child
And she didn't even wail
Those eyes of passion running wild
Passion that kills
passion that cuts
gaps never fill
her eyes shuts

there's a thought in her mind,
masked in goodness- him,  find
Well I don't really know how exactly one interprets this poem. It might be different for everyone to be honest.
Personally it's something I wrote about being stuck in a maze with someone that pretends to be good and yet you find them in every corner and crossroad ready to backstab you.
They sometimes lurk in your own shadows.

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