Mother Of Earth

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They had been led into a huge black spaceship on the outskirts of the town. It looked exactly like the one Father Teller had, All black shiney and sleek. They entered a well lit room.

Stood with their back to the group was a tall muscular man with long wavy dark hair that came to just below his jaw line, he had black skin tight trousers and a tight black t-shirt on his arms behind his back with one hand in the other. Be was staring out the window at the distruction he had caused. Pleased.

"Warrior sir, This woman claims to be Sarah Smith from Earth she looks like her" Issac intoduced nervously.

The man stiffened slightly then turned round. His eyes instantly falling on Sarah.

"Mother of Earth" He gasped in disbelief. After a hundred years there she was, His mother looking exactly the same as the day she left. "You havn't changed abit"

"You have, you still look like Wyatt your eyes are the same and you've still got that tiny dimple on your chin but your nothing like the little boy I raised" Sarah said sadly taking a step closer to The warrior.

"I had to get your attention somehow Mother and The Doctor can never ignore death and distruction for long" The Warriors voice was cold and calculated

"All this just to get my attention surely there was another way, Theres always another way" Sarah took another step closer to him

"Not for me Mother, I'm a warrior. This is all I know" He gestured towards the window

"You are not a warrior, You are a monster. Warriors do what they have to do to win the war. Monsters distory and cause death because they can" Sarah retorded angerly

"A monster of your making Mother, You left me there let them turn me into this just so I could see you again" This time The warrior steped closer almost closing the gap between the pair of them.

He was head and shoulders taller than Sarah and towered over her glaring down but Sarah didn't back down. She wasn't afraid

"I had to leave you there, you weren't mine to take. You will always be my son and I love you forever and always but what you are doing is wrong throwing your toys out of the pram just because life didn't go as you wanted. Distroying planets civilations everything just because you could"

Sarah heard The Doctor warning her to stop but she ignored him and pushed on

"Where is the honour in cripling an entire planet and blowing it up just because you missed your mummy. Over a hundred years you've spent rampaging throughout the universe and for what? nothing. You can't and won't win me by distruction. I thought even at 18 months old you knew better than to resort to violence. violence never wins and you, monster will never win" Sarah was practically screaming at The warrior by this point forcing as much anger and venom into each word as she could.

The Doctor tried pulling her back but she pushed him away. The Warriors eyes were black with anger and hatred his fists shook. Without warning He pulled a gun out and pressed it under Sarah's chin so hard she knew it was gonna be badly bruised.

"Go on then, Shoot me. Show me the monster you really you. Prove your Mother right. Do it" Sarah whispered through gritted teeth angerly

"Sarah no!" The Doctor and River shouted both reaching towards her before being pulled away by gaurds.

"What are you waiting for?" Sarah demanded

The warrior looked straight into Sarah's eyes for a second and pushed the gun further against the underside of her chin, His finger gentally squeezing the trigger slightly. Time seemed to stand still. Sarah glaring at The Warrior challenging him. The Warrior glarring back trying to convince himself to shoot.

"Leave!" He barked at his gaurds not taking his eyes of Sarah.

The gaurds left the room, leaving Sarah, The warrior, River and The Doctor. The whole room was tense waiting to see what was going to happen next. The Doctors mind was wirling trying to think of a way to pull Sarah away from the warrior.

"Some warrior you are you can't even shot one woman" Sarah laughed at The Warrior .

A flicker of hatred and anger flashed on his face before it softened and he pushed Sarah away from him. The Doctor catching her before she fell. Sarah had a huge smile on her face.

"That's my boy" Sarah said proudly walking over and hugging Wyatt. "I knew you wouldn't shoot just needed you to see it"

"Don't ever do that again" The Doctor scolded Sarah "He could have killed you'"

"No he wouldn't" Sarah said like it was the most obvious thing in the world because to her it was.

"I'm a failure. A faliure to The Tellers. A failure to my name and A failure to you" Wyatt sounded on the verge of tears

"No you're not I only said all off that to get you angry. You've just lost your way but you can find it again" Sarah tried to comfort him

"How? Ive distroyed loads of planets killed billions apon billions of people" Wyatt shouted angry at himself for what he had done

"By showing mercy like you showed me" Sarah placed her hand on his arm to comfort him.

"The Bomb!" Wyatt suddenly shouted in horror running his hands through his hair in frustration

"Bomb what bomb?" River asked forcefully

"Theres always a bloody bomb" The Doctor muttered to himself at the same time River spoke

"Nuclear bomb in a spacecraft set to go off in about an hour" Wyatt said sheepisy

"We then unset it. Surely theres a button. A big red one that stops it" The Doctor snaps

"Yea there is but its on the ship near the bomb" Wyatt snapped back.

"Ok well then we go over there and turn it off" River shrugged "easy"

"No not really theres a Terror kind on board to stop locals turning it off" Wyatt explained

"And whats a terror kind?" Sarah asked

"Its a telepathic creature scans your memory for everything and uses your greatest fear against you liturally makes you die of fright" The Doctor explained

"Ok not so easy then, We can't go cause if it scans your brain for everthing we both know things too dangerous in the wrong hands" River said to The Doctor

"He can't go either far to risky" The Doctor nods at Wyatt

"That leaves just me then" Sarah smiles

"No you're not doing it. No way. Your 18!" The Doctor demanded pointing his finger at Sarah

"Theres no other choice Doctor we either let her go or the planet blows up" River reminded The Doctor.

"My biggest fear is loosing my son I've done that twice now, I can beat the Teller easily" Sarah said confidently

"Fine but we use com's" The Doctor sighed

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