Movie Night

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I was rather excited to have Stef and her kids over in a bit as I had rented a few movies, and decorated my father's trailer with some little things that I liked. I also made some more lemonade which I knew Callie loved, and burger patties since I decided to start up my farther's little charcoal grill that still worked. In some sense I found myself settling a little yet I had not gone back to see him and wasn't so sure I would again.

Marinating my chicken I toss my homemade macaroni salad and potato salad in the fridge to chill. But hell, I was well aware that Stef was going to tell me I made too much food BUT I had always loved to cook, even if she was the better cook. 

I realized Stef was a good cook when we had her mothers trailer to ourselves a few times and of course Sharon left her with nothing. She always left Stef to fend for herself whenever she went on her bizarre trips or a week away at the Vegas casinos. But I was happy when Sharon left because I got to be with Stef and away from my father, and we were as young as 13.

Even then Stef didn't like to talk much about her life only bits and pieces. She said she didn't want to burden me, that she would rather help me but even at our young age of 10,11, and 12 we were both there for each other even if I had to pull for information from her. However, there were many times she would cry for she didn't understand why Sharon hated her so much and I never did either.

Even as an adult I had a feeling she was still wondering and I was well aware she came back here for a reason. And it certainly wasn't because she wanted to, neither of us did, but being that we were friends I was hoping she was ok and would eventually tell me what it was. Because, if I knew Stef she was trying to handle the world by herself and that wasn't possible for anyone. 

Hearing a knock at my door and little voices giggling I quickly open it seeing Stef and her kids as the girls hug me warmly.

"LENA we are here!!"

"I see that! Hi babies!" I engulf both Frankie and Callie in hugs and kiss their foreheads.Goodness they were so very sweet and I just adored them more and more. They were really good kids, and were actually very well behaved in camp. Even Callie who Stef had warned me that she had a mouth in school at times. So far I hadn't seen it, even in other classes at came. Except for on the field during sports I had to remind her to replace her cursing with other words. Honestly I didn't blame Stef, I knew she was trying her best and we just couldn't always control what our kids do. I smile at them again as I look right at Stef who is holding Jude in her arms.

"Hey Len." She smiles shyly at me as I return it.

"Hi Stef, hope you guys are all SUPER hungry." I say moving to the side as Stef walks in and the kids run to the coloring books I have set up on the living room table.

"Why? You better not have went overboard miss." She jokes as she puts Jude down who happily joins his sisters.

"I may have."

"Mm what's that smell!!! It smells so damn good!" Callie beams as Stef shakes her head and I just look at little Callie raising my eyebrow. Her face changes instantly as her eyes widen a bit.

"I mean it smells real good."

"That's alot nicer. And little lady  I rented some movies and I have the grill going and I'm making some burgers, franks and barbecue chicken."

"YUMMM! HOLY CRAP! Doesn't that sound good Mama?"

"Yeah it sounds great baby. Why don't you pick out a movie that Lena rented while we finish making dinner."

"Ok Ma." Callie says as I head into the kitchen and Stef follows behind lighting a smoke.

"Lena this is too much. Like way too much."

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