His Kids

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"Mike, it so rocks you came!!!" Callie says happily as Mike had taken us to the local burger joint as we all sat outside and the kids were ecstatic to see him. Callie had been yapping his ear off for the last hour, and she was so excited I thought she would explode.

That alone just made me feel even worse about what I had done, even if it had been to try to protect my kids if Mike turned out to be a terrible father. That was just my own fear, fear that he would be like Mitch, when I knew deep in my heart that he was NOTHING like him. 

As I watched him interact with all three of my children, it was true that the time that I did live with him was probably one of the most safest times in my life. Which was most likely why I stayed with him, and welll I trusted him to a point.

Ironically, my time with Lena had been so unstable, and just, I was such a complete mess that I ended up turning into someone that I didn't like and completely ruined our relationship. Maybe I was scared at the time, maybe I was stressed and maybe well, maybe I just couldn't handle what our life was at that time and I wonder if it would be any different now?

But, I didn't even really know what Lena and  were right now as we had just decided to take whatever it is we were slowly and the thought of us splitting way sat the end of the summer was, well, I didn't really wanna think about it so I'd just shove it out my brain like I did most things.

"Course I did! Your Mom called and told me about the game, so I took some sick days from work, and here I am. And I can't wait to see you play Callie." She grins wide at him as she looks at me, and I wink at her while Frankie smiles at him, and Jude sits in my lap, munching on fries. But if I'm honest, I don't know how this man can ever look at me, but he was surely in his element.

I realized how much I had really robbed my children of this relationship. He had always been attentive, and at times, when Callie was younger and would mouth off, he wouldn't let it slide. Ever.

"Well, I'm stoked! And you're gonna see me kick ass! I just hope it isn't hot as balls out!" She spits out as Mike shakes his head, and I hand Jude another fry.

"Still talk like you're in a locker room, huh?" He laughs, looking at me as softly smile. "But Cal, I think you could probably say something different. Right?"

"Mm,  it's hot?"

"Yeah, that's probably a little better. But it is hot, I will say. Maybe we can grab some ice cream after this? If it's ok with your Mama."

"Oh, can we!! Can we!" Both Frankie and Callie ask me as I smile wide at them.

"Sure. There's one not too far from here." I say to Mike as he smiles at me, and Jude starts to wiggle.

"Do you want me to hold so you can eat?"

"Yeah, sure."

He smiles wide, gently taking Jude in his arms as I can see Jude smile wide at him, and Mike kisses the top of his head. 

"You turning into a little muscle, man, huh? We can get you some weights!"

"He's a baby Mike. He can't lift weights." Frankie giggles as I bite into my burger laughing.

"Ahh, he's a baby for now! One day, he's gonna tower over you! So we gotta work these little biceps." He bends his little arm to show Judes little muscle as Callie throws her head back laughing hysterically. "Look at that he's lifting weights already. See, show  your Mama, Jude. Look at that Stef he's got a little bicep in the making."

"Yeah, I see that." I laugh again, lighting a smoke as he gives Jude a bit of his shake.

"Mike, did Stef tell you we are staying with her mean ass bible thumping Mama?" Callie blurts out as Frankie shakes her head, and Mike nearly spits his drink out.

"She's mean and ugly. An old dusty hag who never has nothing nice to say. Can you arrest her mean behind?!" 

I puff my smoke for this child really couldn't help herself as Mike wipes his mouth and looks at his daughter.

"Callie, who is Stef?"


"Yes, that's her name to you. Not Stef. Ok, honey?"

"I told her that Mike." Frankie says as Callie shrugs her shoulders.

"I forget."

"Ok, well try to remember ok sweetheart? But again, locker room talk, can you say it a little better?"

"Mm, did Mama tell you we are staying with her...dusty hag mother?" She slurps her drink and just can't help but laugh as Mike looks at me amused.

"Mike, I try to tell her about the bad words." Frankie says. "We shouldn't call Mama's Mama that stuff, Cals."

"Why? She is. She's mean as all crap to Mama. She calls her names and everything. I can't stand her! And she doesn't like you because you're black. Ignorant heffier."

"It's ok. I know nothing is wrong with me. Right, Mommy?" Frankie asks, looking at me as I wink at her.

"Nothing is wrong with you, baby girl. Not one thing." I say as Mike looks rather concerned.

"Why don't you girls go get another shake from up there, and another order of fries. I think your brother polished these off." Mike hands Frankie a ten as her and Callie happily run off, and we both watch them stand on line, holding hands.

The last thing I wanted to do was talk about Sharon as I clear my throat and puff my smoke again.

"Sharon sounds like a real charmer."

"No, she's a racist cunt and con artist. But I don't let her near them. It's not for much longer."

"Listen, why don't I put you up in the motel. It's an extended stay it has a kitchen. If you really need to be here until the summer is over."

"We are fine Mike. It's ok. I don't let her near them and I never leave them alone with her."

"Look, I'm not trying to pull the father card, ok, I just um...I want you all to be safe and our kids to be safe. Do you have money? I don't want to call it child support ok? Do you have a bank account?"


"Listen I'm not trying to take over and invade. I know welfare can't give you much and you don't need to be on food stamps. Let me give you money to take the kids shopping for stuff they need. I told you  I want to provide and that includes Frankie too, Stef." 

He isn't pushy never was as I puff my smoke and look over at the girls who are still in line and happily giggling. Glancing back at Mike my son has fallen asleep on him as Mike rubs his back up and down.

"I um, have been thinking of how to tell Callie. I don't know how she's gonna take it, Mike. But I need to tell her. She loves you and I think she deep down feels it anyway. I just don't want her to hate me for lying."

"She won't hate you. I don't hate you. Callie is a tough little girl, but sensitive. Listen, we will tell her together, ok?" He says as I glance back over at him and nod and he leans over and kisses my cheek. "It will be ok."

"We got the stuff!" Callie yells running back to the table with two more shakes and a large fry as she runs over to stand beside Mike. "Thanks Mike, I love you."

"I love you too kid." He pulls her in to his side as she hugs him warmly and I can't help but smile wide. I can only hope this kid won't hate me as we finish eating and head out and as I watch Frankie hold Mikes hand as he helps Jude walk and Callie is on his back I realize how much they deserved someone like in in their lives.

They really did as my mind shifts to Lena and this damn. court date which I was hoping to god would work in my favor. But I had no idea what the outcome would be, at all.

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