He's Coming For You

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 Unknown Time

The girl danced across the field with the biggest smile on her face. She soon reached the boy that stood across the field, his arms open and accepting. The girl collapsed into the laughing and giggling as she held onto him.

"Did anyone see you leave?" He mummered against her lips, she pulled away and she grinned before shaking her head. "Perfect." He said before pulling her closer. The girl closed her eyes enjoying the warmth of him being so close, she relelshed having this small moment of him just simply holding her. But anything now was enough, she glanced up to see him staring down at her. Those lively brown eyes that she could be lost in forever...

 Scott's POV (Present Time)

I met Allison by Jack's house. The place seemed in tack and no forced entry by the police, all they knew was that he hung himself in his bedroom closet. Everyone brushed it off as just a sucide, that everything that happened to him, it made sense. But both Scott and Allison knew better.

"Here, my dad found the note before the police could get to it." Allison whispered to me, passing my the note. I glanced down at the wrinkled piece of paper. It read;

"It's your turn Scotty boy. Are you ready to play a game."


"TT?" I asked staring down at the paper.

"I have no idea Scott-" Allison was caught off again, but this time it just was her dad.

"The Trickster." Argent said from behind me, "Scott, you going to have to listen closely to me, okay?"

I turn to face him,"What is it? Was it the thing is the woods? Did it kill Jack?" I breathed as Argent simply nodded his head.

"He is what one would call a fox, a fox too far gone. We've been trying to track him for awhile now but he is too smart." Argent responded, "Scott... If he is coming for you... You're going to have to really put up a fight."

I glance up to Argent, "I can fight." But Argent shook his head.

"By fight, I mean try and not let him trick you, Scott, no one can beat him. Not yet anyways." Argent gabbed my shoulder and attempted a smile but failed, "He's been around for a long time but he has to have a weakness somewhere. We'll find it, I promise." And with that he grabbed Allison and pulled her away from me. And I was left standing in front of a dead mans house, that I too, had promised just last night that he would make it too see the next day. And he was dead an hour later...


Laying in my bed I was trying to clear my head, but for some reason my heart was pounding., Turning around I faced my desk with all the undone homework I had pilling up. I closed my eyes and let go of my breath I had been holding. I'm fine. I'm fine. I kept repeating to myself, trying to keep sane. I actual had almost fallen asleep, until I began to hear a very steady tapping on the house. My eyes snapped open at the sound.

 Tap...Tap, Tap, Tap...Tap...Tap.

It stopped suddenly, so I shot up and out of my bed. A looked desperately around my room trying to see of I could see anything. 

"Scotttttttttttyyyyyyyyy." A voice called out, but it seemed more of a whisper that only I could hear.

"Oh are you scared lil Scotty, I'm just getting started." The voice hissed, and suddenly the lights went dead. Everything flickered to complete darkness except my clock. I glanced over to the red numbers that set off a small glow, I glanced around wishing I could see better in the dark.

 Tick, Tick, Tick.

Came from my alarm clock as I turned around to face it, the numbers began changing at an impossible speed. My hear hammered harder against my skin as the hairs stood up on the back of my neck. I kept my eyes glued to the alarm clock until it came to a complete stop. But instead of numbers, it spelt out


A loud bang hit somewhere behind me so I bolted. Forgotting about my werewolf powers, trying my best to listen to Argents words. I flew down my hallway, trying to find any type of light source, anything. After my panic began fading away I came to a complete stop. Turning around I faced into the darkness.

"Who are you! What do you want!" I tried to scream out. Laughter began to echo through my house

"Oh you know who I am." He snarled back, "And I do believe I've scared the true alpha! Where's my gold star?!" He screeched out and I suddenly felt a cold hand brisk my shoulder. I whipped around, snarling, I went complete wolf. I will not be scared from some silly fox.

"Watch it." I muttered, trying to study the darkness but I couldn't see anything. Suddenly a light flickered back on, leaving me in a spotlight. "Come on... Stop being a coward and hiding. Face me!" I yelled out as I began to walk in a circle to see my surroundings. \

A dark chuckle came from the darkness, "Didn't anyone tell you? Tell you not to face the fox?" He mused, the tempture suddenly dropped leaving me standing in the cold. I decided against saying anything more, remember Argents strict rules not to face the fox head on. As I stood in the middle of the light, a cold hand grabbed my shoulder. Pulling me down to the floor, I whipped around trying to catch a glimpes of this thing.

"Whoops! My bad." The Trickster laughs but he cut short when you could hear the front door being unlocked. My heart sunk to my stomach, No not mom. "Well, well, well, looks like mommy's home." And with that the lights flick back on, and the tempture returns to normal. I look around frantically, as I could feel my wolf form slipping away. Nothing seemed different besides the fact my mother had appeared at the door step. She casted me a smile.

"Good too see you up." She says smiling at me. I smiled back, trying my best to look happy and fine. I really didn't want her to find out about everything, because maybe that will make the fox mad... "Hey Scott." My mom said casually, "If I were to go on a trip... Would that be cool?" She finished to look at me.

"Yeah, of course. Why?" I asked, already knowing the answer. My mom smiled at me before she pulled out a card, that read, For nurses who want to get better!

"I was given this by my boss. It won't be long, it'll be paid for and everything!" She jumped on the balls of her feet in excitement. And I'm going to be honest, seeing my mom this happy just made me want her to go. So I said yes and that I would take her to the airport.

Completely not noticing the fox sitting in the living room with a wicked grin across his face...

A/N - Uh oh ;) This chapter took a long time to write idk why... I kept writing stuff and deleting stuff so this is what I ended up with. Sorry if it sucks, now I need to go do some homework :( ugh I hate tests...

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