Mystery Boy

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Tick tock, tick tock. Tap tap tap. I gazed longingly at the door, craving for the end of the period. Listening to Ms. Fitzpatrick drone on and on was not where I wanted to be. I was tired! I tapped my pencil, and looked out the window. I squinted, and I could see the huge golden gates leading into my school. I wanted to leave, but Ms. Fitzpatrick had once again ran the class late. I needed to get out of here. Suddenly, the pinging bell rang lightly, and I carefully rose out of my desk, and strolled out of the classroom. I approached the door, and Ms. Fitzpatrick looked at me expectantly. I put on a tight smile, grabbed the hem of my black skirt, and gave a curtsy. "Thank you Ms. Fitzpatrick for teaching me today." I said, a swiftly walked past not waiting for her reply. We were required to address our teachers with a curtsy and thank them. I held my worn black leather bag tightly to my chest, as I elegantly as possible strolled to the cafeteria to pick up some dinner for Carol and I. I pushed open the rustic doors, and walked over to the salad bar. Picking up two chicken salads, I didn't bother grabbing a drink since we had some, and payed. Bursting and thanking the cashier, I exited, but not before glancing beyond the glass wall. I spotted a boy, who looked at me as well. I blushed, and quickly walked off.

Geez. Saved myself from maybe or what might have been trouble and or failure. He was cute though.... But whatever. Stop thinking about him. You're never going to meet him EVER. Keep your eyes on the prize. I walked to the gradual grand staircase and tentatively, stepped on the bottom stair. All at once that stair began moving upwards like an escalator. Why am I scared? It's going REALLY FAST. I frantically grabbed a railing, and held on for dear life. Once we made it to the 20th floor, it came to an abrupt halt, and I leaped off and walked down the long hallway to my room. The rooms here were very quire, each door had a different shape. All the way at the end of the long hallway, right next to a giant window, was a keyhole shaped door. I knocked on the door, five knocks at the middle, then two knocks about five inches from the top. It wasn't a big door, and it was actually in the wall, so I had to step up really high or wait for the stair to come out underneath, which usually takes like 10 minutes so I don't even bother. I stepped in the room, and was greeted with our rustic type room. Since it was one of the oldest rooms, it didn't have furniture or decorations according to the color code. The walls were a dark orange. There was a big, fluffy pale yellow sofa under a huge window that had dark red curtains that were slightly faded. There was a wooden coffee table, and in the kitchen were my elaborate coffee machine with my many tie-dyed mugs, all our silverware, dish ware, a dark brown table, and a bar table with tall chairs. I smiled and walked to the door with my name in elegant cursive, and dropped down my bag. I had a queen sized bed with a blood red canopy, and a blood red duvet to match. My sheets were golden that shined in the light, along with pillows. My desk was mahogany, along with my dresser and closet. The carpet was blood red too, and was a soft Persian rug. I had lots of clothes in my closet, considering the dress code. I also had a vanity set with a light up mirror, and loads of makeup and hair supplies. I loved my bedroom. On the other side of the hallway, you could see the boys. I padded over to my bag and got out our chicken salads. Walking into the kitchen, I put them on orange plates in the shapes of flowers, and grabbed clear cups with gold trim. Also grabbing gold forks, I set up our dinner. Pouring the strawberry punch in the cups, I went and lightly knocked on Carol's door. She opened it, and smiled. We were the same height of 5'3. She had dark auburn hair, that went to her shoulders. She had side bangs, and beautiful blue eyes. Little freckles were around her nose, and she was really pale. I met Carol in this very room when we were two. Best friends ever since. Carol was actually born in North Carolina, but her mother and father were trying to get her to do an arranged marriage. She didn't know, so her grandmother brought her up to Maine on a train, hoping for more rights. They didn't know what awaited them, so when they stepped foot in the gates, they couldn't leave. Her grandmother loves her dearly, and sends her a new headband every week. "Hey Carol!" I greeted, throwing my arms around her. "Hey Chrissy!" she said. I smiled and showed her the dinner. "Yum! Thanks! I didn't expect you to bring dinner!" she said scarfing down the food like shed never eaten a meal in her life. "You're welcome." I said sitting down as well. "So, anything new?" she asked while eating. "Chew with your mouth closed. Hasn't this school taught you anything? Ms. Fitzpatrick would be disappointed." I said tapping her nose. "Well I don't give a flying flip what Ms. Fitzpatrick thinks!" she exclaimed throwing her hands in the air in exclamation. I giggle at her, and shake my head. "Totally agree. And no. Nothing new." I said. She nodded. We both finished our dinner and did the dishes. "I'm gonna hit the sack. See you tomorrow! It's the weekend! And we're going shopping!" she clapped happily and slammed her bedroom door. I sighed and got up, walking to my room. Closing the door, I slipped off my clothes and put on some gray shorts, and a long sleeve black shirt. I didn't bother to take off my stockings, and I grabbed my journal. I walked to the kitchen, and brewed myself a cappuccino. I then proceeded to the front door, and peeped my head out. I then walked about five steps to get to the big window. I sat on the windowsill, and gazed longingly at the gates. I wanted to leave this cruddy school. I sighed quietly and brought my knees up to my chest. A tear rolled down my cheek, and I closed my eyes. I saw some sort of movement, but I didn't bother looking. Seeing something black move beyond the glass, I crawled towards it. Squinting, I indeed saw someone. It was a boy of coarse, but I couldn't quite make out what he looked like. I looked at me too, and smiled. I didn't know what to do, so I smiled as well. I bit my lip, not knowing what to do. He reached behind him, and grabbed something. Then a bright light flashed my face. I adjusted, and saw it was a flashlight. I then saw the cutest boy I had ever seen. He had light brown hair, that was flipped to the side. He had big brown eyes and a crooked smile. I wonder if I looked ok. I patted down my hair, and I could see him chuckle. He then grabbed the other object, and brought it up to the glass. It was a ripped sheet of notebook paper. Written on it was 'Hello. My name is Jonathon.'

I grabbed my journal, and scrawled on it 'Hello. My name is Chris.' (A/N I'm just going to write their conversation, not the then he wrote and I wrote stuff)

Jonathan: What are you doing up so late?

Me: Thinking

Jonathan: Me too. Have I seen you somewhere before?

Me: I suppose. Maybe you have.

Jonathan: I remember you! You were the girl in the cafeteria!

Me: Oh yes! I remember!

Jonathan: You're really beautiful

Me: Thank you.

Jonathan: To tell you the truth, I've never talked to a girl before.

Me: Me neither but with boys!

Jonathan: You know Chris, you're really sweet. Want to come out here agin tomorrow?

Me: Definitely!

Jonathan: How about 10 o'clock?

Me: Sounds splendid!

Jonathan: Are you going into town tomorrow?

Me: Yes. I'm going to the shops.

Jonathan: Well maybe we'll run into each other.

Me: Perhaps. Well I better go. It's getting rather late.

Jonathan: Ok. I'll miss you and see you tomorrow! Bye!

I watched him jump down and walk into a door. He glanced back and waved, and I waved back. I just talked to a boy. And he was cute. And he said he'll miss me! I jumped down from the windowsill excitedly, and knocked on my door. I crawled in my bed, and awaited tomorrow.


I hope you don't think I rushed anything, and like it! Please vote and feel free to follow my instagram: louis_1D_4ever

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Thanks everyone love you!!!!

~Emma <3

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