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Hello. My name is Christine Annabelle Johnson but all my friends call me Chris because honestly, Christine can be a mouthful. I live in Salamin, Maine(A/N I made up the city) which is probably the only state in whatever is left of America that is COMPLETELY controlled by a government. And I don't say that like it's a good thing. Our government is so protective and selfish. You see, I currently attend one of the many schools in Maine that is a boarding school. It's called Grimview School of Prestigious Children. Once you learn how to walk, you're sent to a boarding school in which you stay in until college. Yep. Same room your whole life, and same people. No questions or complaints allowed. We also are required to basically on campus, only wear black, red, navy blue, and white. That's it. Caught in any pink, green, or any other brilliant color and the stingy Mrs. Albicus throws you in detention for life I like to call it. Basically, any trouble you get into, you have to move all your stuff to the cold, dungeon downstairs. The teachers say it's a "basement" but the whole school is like Hogwarts reality. It's a GIANT CASTLE. There is only one problem, the separation.

You see, there is a huge glass wall between girls and boys. Yes. That's right. I big glass wall. You can see the boys, you can wave at them, but they can't hear you, and vice versa. It's absolutely miserable! We can't even eat lunch in the same room, let alone learn in the same room. And yes, you're probably asking "why not talk to them off campus?". Well, the reasonable answer I dont, i don't know HOW to talk to boys. It's a shame really, I see some pretty cute guys. But I've never in my life touched, talked to, smiled at, complimented, waved at, or any other action towards a gentleman. Not that any of them have made an effort to talk to me. I figure they should make the first move. So I wait, and gaze longingly beyond the glass.

Let's move back to the curriculum. Our government for some reason wants to train us to be prestigious, prissy fancy gentlewomen. You have your normal math class, a reading class, a proper grammar class, any elective you choose, such as a sport, art, or music if you fancy an instrument, and the last class, is Proper Ladies. It's a class where you learn how to serve tea, be a good hostess, cross your legs, keep your back straight, etc. It's horrible. If you don't have good posture, or don't have your left foot behind your right ankle and your hands gently set on your knees, or any other lady-like act, your hand gets swatted with a ruler. Mrs. Fitzpatrick who teaches the class, can bruise your knuckles for a month with just one swish. A girl in my class named Jamie, didn't have proper posture, and had a yard stick taped to her back with duct tape and stood in the corner for the rest of the period. Might has well added a cone hat with 'dunce' written on it to add to her embarrassment. I kind of felt sorry for her, but then again while she was being yelled at and duct taped, the rest of the class slouched and stretched our legs.

Next thing I'm going to talk about, is off campus rules. You can socialize, but must apply the same colors. The releasing time for going off campus starts at 3 o'clock, and you are required to be in the gates back at the school at exactly 5 o'clock on the dot, no exceptions. I hardly ever leave, so I don't get in trouble. I leave to get a haircut that's required every month, get new clothes once I outgrew my old ones, and grocery shop. And the depression of not being able to talk to boys haunts me, so I'd rather not face them period.

You might be wondering that if I do like to shop, but only have two hours of off campus free time, how do I have any money? Well, when the school first started, lots of children were flunking due to the new pressure. So, for every A you get on tests, homework assignments, or basically any grade, you receive $200. Yep. So, basically I'm filthy rich. I'm saving, for something. It definitely comes in handy to study. You might say I'm a nerd, but if I had more rights, I'd spend more time living then being stuck in Maine. Since I was born here, along with everyone else, you can't leave. Or, you can come inside Maine, but not go back out. Maine is currently surrounded with a huge wall 30 feet high and 20 feet thick. No penetrating it, or else meet the army we won't ever need because who wants to challenge a bunch of prissy pot nerds in skirts. Proud, no. Embarrassed, yes. Am I complaining too much? Probably. I guess I shouldn't be. This is the best thing I'm going to get to an education, lots of cash and I don't need a job, I share a dorm with the best friend I'll ever get that I've had since I was two, great food, and pretty nice people. But, the liabilities WAY out lie the benefits. Oh well, I think I'll live. I have for the past 12 years, and just another 12 more and I'm free.


This is my second story I'm writing! My first is called Super Emotions. I hope you like it and sorry it's kinda short!

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