⠂Chapter 3⠐ |Astird| (Continued)

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Not even two minutes after the connection with the carrier was severed, Mendoza started pulling out his annoying, and terrible, jokes.

“What do you call a belt made of watches?” he asked, already snickering slightly. “A waist of time!”

“Oh dear lord,” Spencer muttered. “Here we go again.”

Mendoza was cracking up over his own joke. “How do you organize an astronomer’s party?” he wheezed, almost unable to get the words out.

“You planet,” I responded sullenly, cutting him off.

“How’d you know that one?” he exclaimed, sounding a bit offended.

“I got my degree in Aerospace Engineering. I heard those jokes all the time,” I replied, shaking my head.

There were a few moments of silence, which I wanted to last for the entire trip, but Mendoza, of course, went right back to his jokes. “Why did the coffee call the police?” he asked, chuckling again. “Because it got mugged,” he said, wheezing uncontrollably.

Westly released an audible sigh and I glanced over at his plane to see him slowly shaking his head. “Please don’t keep going,” he murmured.

“Oh, I will,” Mendoza replied, almost sounding threatening.

“Do you want me to mess with your plane?” Westly threatened.

“Hm… Let me think about it,” Mendoza replied. 

I could practically hear the smile in his voice. “Land in sight,” I said, my eyes glued to the bit of green I could see ahead of us.

“Increasing altitude,” Westly said immediately. We all followed as he rose to just above 40,000 feet.

“Mendoza, honest to god, if you say another awful joke I’m shooting you down,” Ward muttered.

“Does no one like my jokes?” Mendoza asked innocently.

“No!” everyone exclaimed.

“Damn… okay then.”

Four hours passed uneventfully as we carefully flew through Saudi Arabian air space. “Is that a plane?” Spencer asked.

“Where?” Westly questioned immediately, his voice tense.

“Ten o’clock,” Spencer responded.

I quickly looked in that direction and, sure enough, there was a jet. “We need to get above the clouds,” I said quickly, noticing that the jet was far closer to the ground than we were. Everyone quickly pulled up until we had cloud cover beneath us.

“Isn’t this almost too high for us to be safely?” Taylor asked, sounding worried.

“We still have a few thousand feet before we need to worry about that,” I responded, glancing through a break in the clouds. The plane didn’t show up on our radar. Interesting.

“Poser, do you think the plane saw us?” Westly asked.

“No. It was flying away from us, I doubt it saw us,” Spencer responded.

“We’re about to cross over into Iraqi air space. I need everyone on high alert,” Westly said a few minutes later. “One more hour before we reach our destination.” 

The sun had slowly been sinking below the horizon and at this point, it was nearly completely down. “Is everyone’s radar working?” I asked, looking down at mine with a frown.

“Mine seems a bit weird,” Westly admitted.

“Same here,” Ward responded.

I let out a sigh. “Let’s hope it works once we reach the storehouse.” We made it through Iraq with very little trouble, the only thing being a pair of jets that showed up momentarily on our radar before moving away from us.

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