⠂Chapter 27⠐

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I don't really know how to feel about this chapter but... enjoy I guess


"You're not seriously considering taking the serum," Bucky says in an unbelieving tone.

"Yes. I am," I respond, my tone steely. I glance at Rogers to find him looking between me and Bucky, a worried look on his face.

"Steve, could you wait for me outside?" Bucky mutters, looking at his friend. Steve opens his mouth to protest but closes it again, seeming to realize he doesn't want to get between whatever is about to happen. He nods and walks back down the hallway, glancing back once before he descends the stairs.

"You can't just come here and tell me I can't take the serum," I say, getting annoyed.

"Well, I am here and I am going to tell you not to take it," he responds, his jaw clenching.

"You don't get to control my choices," I snap, my temper starting to rise.

"I'm allowed to be concerned for you," Bucky snaps back.

"Concerned about what?" I exclaim. "It's super soldier serum!"

"You don't know what they'll make you do after you get the serum."

"Right, and I should listen to you about that because you were told to murder innocent people. Which you did!" I respond coldly before realizing what I said.

Bucky leans back as if he's been slapped and his gaze hardens. "I don't know why I came here expecting you to listen. You always push people away. This is why you have no one to care about you."

It's my turn to lean back as if I've been hit. "At least I don't have to deal with the guilt of being a mindless killer for years. Killing people with no thought for them or their families," I fire back, unable to stop myself now.

Bucky's hands clench into fists at his side. "Funny how you mention that when you've taken countless lives. What would your mom say about that? Would she be proud? Or would she be disgraced knowing her daughter has killed people and put them in the same place she is?" His face is completely blank as he says this but his words sink deep.

Unable to get another retort out, and not like it would matter since Bucky is already walking back down the hall, I stand in the doorway, frozen, for a few long minutes, one arm wrapped around my middle. Finally, I slowly take a step back and silently click the door shut.

My breath is coming out in rapid gasps and I lean against the door before turning my back to it and sliding down, still clutching my center.

I don't know how long I sit there staring blankly at the far wall but eventually I push myself to my feet and get a glass of water. I slowly drink the water, staring at the counter.

Indecision keeps me rooted to the floor until I finally exit my room and the building I'm in, following the illuminated path to the building where Dr. Robichaud's lab is.

I'm relieved to find she's still in her lab when I enter. "I'll do it," I say, my voice shockingly steady.

Her face lights up at this. "We'll start tomorrow!" she says enthusiastically.

I nod before walking back to my room. Snow starts to fall as I'm walking between the two buildings. I inhale the frosty air and let out a small cloud with my out-breath.

I stop outside the building and stand with my face turned upward and my eyes closed. The cold starts to sit in and I realize I'm only wearing a sweater. I glance around swiftly before entering the building and going to my room.

Deciding against food, since I have no appetite, I take a warm shower and get ready for bed, forcing certain thoughts from my brain.

During the next week, Dr. Robichaud fills me in on the finer details and introduces me to the team she's working with, which includes a member of the Avengers.

"Can I get a few blood samples?" Dr. Robichaud asks. We're in a different area of her lab, waiting for the last few members of her team to arrive.

"Sure," I say slowly. She sits me down and wheels over the blood-drawing devices.

The sliding doors whizz open quietly and I look up to find a red-headed woman, her hair a good few shades lighter than mine, who looks familiar. "Ms. Romanoff?" I ask in surprise. "Sorry. Agent Romanoff."

She turns to me and her eyebrows raise in shock. "Lieutenant Valla?"

When I was still a Naval pilot she, and an agent, had come to watch all the pilots go through some training. "I must've forgotten you were part of the Avengers."

She chuckles. "I barely recognize you without your hair in a tight bun and that mildly annoyed look on your face."

I snort, ignoring the small prick of a needle going into my arm. "Are you part of this little team Dr. Robichaud is talking about?" I ask, realizing it's a bit weird for the Avenger to be in this building.

"I am," she responds.

We watch each other for a few seconds. "Am I allowed to ask why you were at base watching us fly a few years ago?" I inquire, unable to staunch my curiosity.

A small smile appears on her face. "We were looking for potential pilots for our on-base teams," she responds.

"Is that why you have Ryan Westly teaching?" I ask.

"You know him?"

"He was part of my squadron."

"Oh, that's right. He was." She pauses and I glance over at Dr. Robichaud to find she only has one small vial of blood so far. She needs four in total. "Yes, that's why he's teaching, but also because you weren't available since you were starting up your cafe."

"How long have you been keeping tabs on me?"

"We started looking for candidates a year and a half ago," Dr. Robichaud answers. "Agent Cole, so glad you could join us."

I look up and my eyes land on the agent who had been in the passenger seat of the SUV that brought me here. "Agent Alexander Cole, this is Astrid Valla-Castro," Dr. Robichaud says as she stays focused on drawing the right amount of blood.

"It's a pleasure meeting you," Agent Cole says, that accent still there.

"You too," I respond, giving him a quick up and down look.

"And... done," Dr. Robichaud says, removing the needle from my arms and pressing a medical cloth to it before covering it with a bandaid. "Let's get to the real stuff, shall we?"

The Grey Raven // Bucky X Oc (Discontinued For Now)Where stories live. Discover now