Chapter 22: Ariella

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Chapter 22 Ariella

My breath froze in my mouth as my eyes fixed on him. My senses told me to run, to turn back and never return, so why didn't I listen? Didn't I always listen before? Didn't it used to keep me from extra pain? Pain that I didn't want?

The wind tousled my hair and the bottom of the dress ruffled in the wind. Worried that the wind would take away my hat, I carefully lifted it off and clung onto it with my hands before taking a deep breath and taking a step in the garden.

His short brown hair ruffled in the wind, his shirt was tucked into his pants, pressing tightly against his skin. His head was bent slightly, almost as if he was listening for something.

My foot rose to take another step near him when a soft chuckle sounded behind me. Whipping around, my eyes settled on the boy from yesterday, Nicoli Leap. His blond hair lied flat on his, a cocky smile on his lips, but the bow and arrow in his hands was what drew my eyes the most.


"Shh." He winked before stepping in front of me, blocking my view of Alexander. His right arm rose and pointed at the small bench and mouthed the word 'sit'. Not willing to argue with someone who had a weapon, I was quick to do what I was told.

My eyes flew back and forth between the two; Alexander who continued to stand there and Nicoli who slowly lifted the bow at eye level, three arrows on the string. My thoughts were filled with confusion and fear as I tried to comprehend what was happening but only one thought stood up from the rest. That Nicoli was attacking Alex.

A soft twang rang out through the garden, breaking the silence. My eyes opened wide, watching in fear as the three arrows sped in Alexander's direction. I tried to shout, but my voice wasn't working, my mouth wouldn't move. All I could do was sit and watch in horror.

Alexander's left leg kicked back, his body whipped around and his arm slashed through the air. I couldn't help but watch in awe as his right hand grasped the three arrows, plucking them right out of mid-air. His blood red eyes connected with mine, a look of surprise appeared on his face, his lips parted as he said something that I couldn't hear. My cheeks flushed as I studied him, neither of us moving.

He seemed different than yesterday, more serious and controlled. The surprised look on his face was the same, but something seemed different as well. Something that I could not place.

"Beautiful!" Nicoli laughed, his voice destroyed the silence and Alexander's eyes tore away from mine. He muttered something to his friend before both of them looked in my direction.

My eyes flickered down to my hands, watching my thumbs twirl around each other. What were they talking about? Was it about me? The question seemed almost pointless, I knew that they were talking about me, the fact that they looked at me was obvious enough. My teeth nibbled on my bottom lip as I waited for something to happen, the feelings of doubt and fear swirled around inside of me.

"Fine! I see how it is!" Nicoli's voice penetrated my thoughts. My head shot up and I watched as Nicoli twirled the arrows in the fingers as he walked towards the entrance, his eyes turned to me, and a confident smile on his face. I couldn't help but wonder if he was planning something and, if so, what he was planning.

"Ariella?" His voice was soft, but filled with confusion. His eyes had turned back to the normal shade of hazel. His hand slowly reached out to me, hovering a few inches away.

My eyes stared at his hand as I realized that this was how we left off. Except, he was sitting and I was standing. Then I realized something else.

I wasn't afraid.

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