Chapter 90: Ariella

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Chapter 90: Ariella

"When she wakes up, make sure she gets food." A woman's voice whispered close to me, a voice I knew but didn't remember the name. A gentle light flickered near me, the light dancing in my eyes. "Then, if she's feeling up to it, try to get her to bathe and then we can see about allowing her to use her Power."

"Very well, madam." Another voice responded. I groaned softly as I pulled the blanket over my head and tucking it beneath me as I curled on my side. The warmth spread quickly as I curled up in the blanket, my mind slowly slipping back to sleep. "It looks like she's sleeping well."

"After everything she's been through, I would be surprised if she didn't." The first voice sighed softly, the gentleness and worry echoed in my ears. "And try to keep Mrs. Mathews in her bed. She's in no condition to be wandering around between her daughters trying to check up on each of them."

"I will, ma'am. Good luck."

"Oh I'm going to need it." The first voice sighed again. Silence developed between the two of them and small thuds sounded close to one another as if they were running out.

What had happened?

I curled up tighter, willing myself to fall back to sleep as silence flooded the room. Except, it wasn't silent.Soft, muffled sobs came somewhere from my right, the kind of sobs that brought tears to my eyes as the crier gasped for breath. Pulling the blanket back, my eyes searched the bed next to me.

Tears glistened down my mother's cheeks as she stared up at the ceiling, her lips parted slightly as she tried to breathe. Her hands rose up to her face, rubbing her eyes and wiping at the tears and yet they still fell.

"Mama?" I muttered and she gasped, her head shooting towards me, her eyes focusing on my face.

"Ariella?" She whispered and smiled when I nodded. Her eyes glanced around her before pushing the covers off of her and slipping out of the bed and walking over to me. She sat on the edge of the bed, her hand stroking my cheek. "Are you alright? Do you need anything?"

"I'm fine. Hungry, but fine." I scooted closer to her and tried my best to cuddle up to her. She laughed slightly as her hand left my cheek and I could feel her tuck the blankets beneath me. I smiled softly as I curled up around her, allowing my eyes to close as I relaxed in the bed.

So much had happened in that short amount of time, two people were dead, my sisters and two of my friends were injured, and so many people had to make sacrifices. Opening my eyes and glancing up at my mother, I wondered why she was crying. Was it because of what had happened? With Marah?

I winced as I remembered the pain the tore through my body when Marah put a knife in my hands. She had to have thought that would immobilize me, prevent me from moving and, instead, I fought through the pain to cut the ropes that had tied me. Before, I didn't understand why Healers could not wield a weapon, I thought it was a choice, but now, now I know the truth. There is no choice. When I took the Vow as a Healer, when I said I'd never wield a weapon, it really meant that. It wasn't a choice. It was the price. And a price I was willing to pay.

"Are you alright, my child?" Mother asked as she leaned closer, her hand falling on my hair and stroking it. I glanced up at her and smiled, studying her eyes. There was nothing there that reminded of Marah. Her blue eyes were gentle and caring, never harsh. My mother's hair was also different, the short bobbed hair was slightly wavy, like mine, while Marah's was completely straight. I couldn't see how Marah was my grandmother. "You're thinking about Marah, aren't you?" She sighed when I nodded, her hand slipping into mine and holding it tightly.

"Was she really your mother?" I asked her.

"No." She laughed bitterly. "She wasn't." Mother leaned forward, the candle light flickering on her face. I stared at her, waiting for her to continue and, yet, she sat there, staring at the ground.

"Who was your real mother?" I finally asked and she smiled, her eyes glancing towards me and then away.

"She was a wonderful woman. She loved my father and myself very much." Mother took a small breath before leaning backwards. "She wasn't much of a fighter and she couldn't cook. But she loved with her whole body. She would have loved you." She laughed slightly and turned to me, her hand returning to my hair, gently stroking it back. "She wanted a girl who would wear dresses and play with dolls. Instead she got a daughter who wanted to learn to fight. Not that it stopped her, she still loved me and accepted me that way."

"What happened to her?" She nodded slightly, her hand falling onto mine and giving it a gentle squeeze.

"I lived in a small village far in the south. The Hunters found us and ravaged the village. Massacring everyone." Mother sighed yet again as she leaned forward, her head propped in her hands. "My mother never hurt me. She hated it. But, when the Hunters were there, attacking the village. I was running after my father to help. My mother took a pan and hit me in the back of the head. Not enough to kill me, but it knocked me out." She smiled softly and shook her head. Her voice shook slightly even though it was filled with humor, as if she wasn't sure if she should cry or laugh. "I'm sure she did that because she couldn't handle of me being killed by them. So, instead, I woke up tucked in a cupboard, blankets beneath me. By then it was all over."

"She was killed?" I whispered, sitting up. She nodded once and then turned to me. "That's horrible." I whispered as I threw my arms around her, hugging her as tightly as I could. She giggled in my ear and hugged me beck.

"Ariella. You do realize, whatever Marah thinks, you never took me away from her. You and your father gave me the life that I wanted and needed. And I wouldn't change it for the world." I nodded into her shoulder and I could feel her smile into my hair. "With that said." She started after a moment, a stern tone echoed in my ears as her hands fell on my shoulders and she pulled away. "If you ever jump in the way when someone is trying to attack me again, I promise you will be punished."

"But Marah was-"

"I don't care." She interrupted, her hands tightening on my shoulders. "You're not a fighter, Ariella so you're not allowed to die in battle. You have to die when you're old, you have own grandkids, and way after me." Mother smiled softly and patted my cheek. "You leave the fighting and defending to us, you just worry about Healing, alright?"

I nodded once and glanced down.

"I don't want to scold you, hun." Mother sighed as her fingers slid beneath my chin. "But I never want to see you die before me. Specially if it's trying to protect me."

"I guess I didn't think about that." I admitted and gave her a sheepish smile.

"I guess not." She laughed before pulling me into another hug. "Now, I'm going to go find a healer and get some food and then you need to rest."

"What about the others?"

"They'll be fine until morning." She told me, as she stepped away, her eyes filled with sorrow and I had a feeling she wasn't being completely honest.

It took a few hours for Mother to finally fall asleep. I knew she was worried, but I wasn't aware she was injured before the healer had to change my mother's bandages. The injuries didn't look deadly, only a source of pain. I knew I wasn't fully recovered so I had to choose to Heal my mother last, if at all.

Brittney lay on the bed on Mother's other side. My sister breathed slowly, but shallow, blood staining the cloth around her middle. A small glass of water stood on the cupboard beside her. My hand reached over as I called on my Power, feeling it fill up inside of me, dancing to the tip of my fingers and out towards the water.

I wasn't fully recovered and I knew I needed rest. But, right now, my sisters and friends needed me. 

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