Chapter 64: Alexander

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Chapter 64 Alexander

She looked beautiful to say the least. Her dress hugged her around the waist and chest nicely, showing off the slim figure underneath. The bottom had a haze-like blue that encased her, floating slightly as she shifted from foot to foot. Her cheeks flushed when our eyes met and tilted her head forward as if she was trying to hide herself with her hair that fell forward.

As we got closer, I could see the braids that sat on the top of her head prevented most of her hair to hide her face and I couldn't help but wonder if Queen Michelle had that planned from the beginning. Not that it would surprise me, it was a known fact that she always had a plan, just no one could ever figure it out.

King Stephen walked forward, the other Captains and apprentices following close behind, and stepped next to his wife while Captain Mathews and I stood at the front of the table.

"Turn around." Captain Mathews muttered and I nodded before tearing my gaze from Ariella and out towards the crowd.

"Ladies and gentleman, I welcome you to this joyous occasion!" King Stephen shouted, his voice ringing out through the hall. Everyone's faces turned towards us, their eyes studying me as if they were judging if I was worthy for the role that I was taking on. "Today, Captain Mathews will publicly announce who he will take on as his apprentice. The Captain will take his vow to train the young apprentice so that he may take over the role one day. In return, the apprentice will take his vow to learn from Captain Mathews as well as accept his role when the time is right."

Silence echoed in the hall, each of them waiting for something to happen.

Captain Mathew's hand fell on my shoulder, a gentle cuff before he stepped forward.

"Many years ago, I was in this position. A celebration on the day I was accepted as an apprentice and I easily remember all the emotions that were inside of me." He laughed as he turned towards me, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I can only imagine how you might be feeling, Alexander."

I snorted softly. How was I feeling? That was a good question. Obviously there was happiness and excitement, but fear, doubt, and confusion as well. Every part of me wondered if I was really capable of doing a good job at this. If I was the right one for the job.

"I had always known I would one day take on an apprentice, as is the law for all of those with a role in this society. My own sons, adopted or not, would never be able to take on my role and I could only hope that I could find someone with the same attributes that made them great men." Glancing over to the Mathew boys, I could see that all three of them were standing tall, not a sliver of doubt or fear showed in their eyes. "A Captain, as many of you know, must be selfless, willing to protect even his worst enemy in battle, even if it may cost him his like. He must be chivalrous and not take advantage of anyone, weak or strong. The man must be honest and hide nothing from those he protects or fights beside. And he needs something worth fighting for. Something that he needs to protect against everything."

He paused for a moment and I fought the urge to glance back at Ariella. With her, my family, and my friends, there were many things that I fight for. People that I needed to protect. People that I loved.

"Never has a streetwalker been named an apprentice for they have rarely stood out as being strong enough to handle being a Captain. After all, a Captain is to be in the front lines of every battle and only the best can survive those." Captain Mathews took a deep breath before lifting his hand and motioning towards me. "However, sometimes you get the kind of man you need when you're not looking for them."

"Alexander Moralles may have been born to a streetwalker, he may have worked the past few years as one, but his heart and soul is that of a Captain. A man who would be honest even with the smallest of things, with patience that combatted even mine, and loyalty that would fit a man who had many to protect." Captain Mathews turned and smiled at me, his head nodding slightly as he studied me. "Alexander Morales. You are the only man that I see making the City a better place. Your strengths counter acts your weaknesses, your ability to think logically even in the toughest situations, and your inability to surrender even if it may cost you your life. With these traits, I, Captain Mathews, believe that you should and will be the next Captain of the Protectors if you will take on that role."

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