1 - The End Of The Wave?

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Several knights could be seen and heard scurrying about with alarms blaring around the golden room they were in. Making their way out of the building, they would arrive before the country's border. As the knights charged out, they would leave a petite, young lady behind.

This woman had a determined look with long blonde hair and deep blue eyes. Commanding the knights as she stood in place, she seemed to wear some kind of royal outfit. A long robe with a large red stripe in the center, golden outlines, and a cap that matched the colour scheme. In her hand, she would hold a large gold staff. Having a large red orb on top, it would even have angelic wings levitating either side of the red sphere. Just under the wings would be three heavenly ribbons flowing off the pole. With some unknown writing written on it, they seemed to flutter about without any wind assisting them. Being left with a knight sitting beside a computer system and a middle-aged lady wearing a white maid outfit, the obvious leader would sigh.

"What's the situation?" She spoke, peering at the computer.

"The unknown wave is about to hit Metalloic any second, every tribe is contributing to help keep the shield up... But I don't know if it will hold..." The knight shook his head.

"We just have to hope, Ren." The leader smiled. "Just pray to Crimson..."

As the three held their hands together, praying to their Goddess, The Wave would head straight for the secret country. Being in the middle of the Sahara Desert and somehow invisible to the outside world, they would have no idea how the planet was dealing with this crisis.

Knights wearing white and gold armor would stand side by side at the border of Metalloic. Holding their swords, they would raise them into the air. Having a red force field cover the country, the knights would keep their positions as if they were trying to enhance the protection.

Hurtling towards the shield at an incalculable speed, The Wave would suddenly collide with it. An electrical zap would be heard as the energy stopped in place. The orange wave would begin to pulsate before completely disappearing in front of everyone's eyes. The energy would dissipate around the planet as the world sighed with relief.

"Ivy... Is it over?" The middle-aged woman would speak, peering at the leader.

Tilting her head, she'd look towards the head knight.

"Ren?" She'd question him.

"It's gone!" He would state. "The energy wave is...  Gone!"

Looking confused, Ivy would hurry toward the exit. Walking onto the cobblestone street, she'd look down the road. White buildings with golden trims would line the street as the royal leader scanned the sky. Gripping tightly onto her staff, she'd smile.

"The shield repelled whatever that was... Thank Crimson..." She would sigh.

"Golden Edge?" Ren would speak, appearing behind her. "Should I gather the people, I think they could use some words from you."

Nodding to the knight, she would turn to the older woman as the pair walked back into the building. As they entered, Ren would hurry away. Ivy happily took the woman's hand, smiling at her. The leader could feel the fear from her head maid, something she couldn't allow to continue. Looking directly at the lady, The Golden Edge would smile.

"Everything is okay now Nat, no need to worry! Gather the girls, and bring them to the lower balcony." She'd nod.

With a smile growing on Nat's face, she too would hurry out of the room.

Being left alone, Ivy would shake her head. Walking toward a posh mirror, the priestess would look at her reflection. Sighing deeply, she would tilt her head. As thoughts began to flood her mind, she'd quickly erase them. She had no time to worry about anything besides her people, she can handle her private thoughts when she finishes the task at hand.

Taking control of her breathing, The Golden Edge would walk deeper into the building. Revealing a luscious palace, more gold would decorate and line the walls as white marble would hold up the structure. Following a red carpet, she would stop before a set of stairs. Walking up them, she'd quickly reach the top. Before her stood a glass double door leading to a grand balcony. Taking a deep breath, she'd make her way through them.

Walking outside, Ivy would look down at the thousands of civilians that peered at her. Cheering and waving toward the priestess, she couldn't help but smile. Also attached to the palace were a few balconies which were lower down. Holding knights and maids, Nat and Ren would also be seen standing a top of them. Besides Nat was a younger female maid, similar to Ivy's age. With caramel brown hair, she seemed to be intensely watching The Golden Edge; not even cheering for the leader.

"To my dear Metallo Knights, I thank you for the service to this tribe and this country!" The Golden Edge would speak to her people. "And for my Metallo People, listen to my words. The Love Gods, including Crimson, have once again saved us from the horrors of the outside world! As we slowly try to venture out into it, we can be happy with the thought that we are protected. Not just by me, but by Metalloic itself. Praise Metalloic! Praise Crimson!"

Once again, The Metallo People would break into whooping and cheering. Throwing confetti and smiling toward their great leader, Ivy would giggle. Bowing to her country, she would then turn and enter the palace.

Nat would finish clapping, turning her gaze to the group of maids beside her. Nodding towards them, she'd quickly lead them inside. Walking in a straight line, the multiple maids marched back into the golden palace. But staying behind, stood the caramel-haired lady. Making sure her coworkers were gone, she'd slyly run inside.

Being as stealthy as she could, the woman would stay stuck to the walls. Making sure no one would see her, the maid would move quickly on her feet. Making her way throughout the palace, the lady would arrive before some steps. Leading down into the basement, she would walk down.

Due to the crisis that they had just adverted and the speech which The Golden Edge just gave, the place she was heading to was for sure going to be deserted. Opening the white door, the woman would walk into what seemed a factory. Conveyor belts would hold large chunks of raw gold, channeling them into a large machine. The outcome seemed to be a more refined metal, being much sturdier and stronger than gold originally is. 

Running into the room, she'd quickly spot a sack. Grabbing the straw bag, the woman would begin to fill it with the upgraded gold. As the bag reached its limit, she'd throw it behind her back. Looking around, she'd quickly hear the marching of guards approaching. Gasping, she'd spot an exit before sprinting towards it. Just as the knights turned the corner, the door would shut.

Being out of sight once again, the lady would head to an exit. Jogging out of the palace and into the streets of Metalloic, she'd make her way to a structure nearby. Walking through the door and down some steps, she'd quickly enter some kind of workshop. Laying the bag of gold on a bench, a small chuckle would leave her lips.

"Finally, I have what I need... Chaos can commence..." She smirked.

Looking down at an old book with a broken heart engraved onto it, the lady would stroke it. Seeming too happy, she would chuckle some more. Grabbing a hammer, she'd begin to lay some of the refined gold onto her workbench.

But quickly, the area of Metalloic began to shake. Items would fall off shelves as what seemed like an earthquake took over. Quickly an explosion of the same orange energy from earlier emitted from the red force field. Ripping its way through every citizen and animal in the country, lights and electronics would begin to blow.

Dropping the hammer onto her foot, the lady would curse loudly. Stumbling around on her feet, tools and projects of hers began to fall to the floor. As the woman tried to get her balance, she'd suddenly notice The Wave emerging through the walls. Thinking the worst, the energy would quickly rip through the maid's anatomy. Gasping as she felt it channel through her, she'd suddenly fall to the ground. Falling unconscious, golden light particles would begin to shimmer above her head. 

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