9 - A Festival Of Hope

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Leaving the white and golden plane that was used to travel to Metalloic, Ivy would peer around the new terrain. Smiling as she strolled down the steps, the future leader would be in awe of the secret country. Stepping onto the runway, Nat and Ren would quickly join her side.

"So what now?" She asked, peering at the head maid.

"We take you to The Metallo Palace!" She smirked.

With an excited look on her face, Ivy would nod. As Nat began to lead the way, the blonde-haired woman and Ren would quickly follow. Leaving the runway, the trio would make their way into the city. With white, golden buildings lining the streets, Ivy couldn't help but giggle. She loved seeing new places, and finally, she could see where her parents are from. As they walked deeper, several civilians would be seen staring. Spotting them, Ivy would instantly stiffen up. 

"We're being watched..." She gulped, looking around.

"It's fine!" Ren would chuckle. "They're not used to seeing us outside the palace, plus... They know who you are."

"Oh..." She'd gasp.

As the group continued on, they'd finally arrive outside the palace. Some knights would be seen standing outside the door. Nodding to Ren, they'd open the door for the trio. Allowing them inside, the soldiers would close the entryway after.

Blinking a few times, another smile would grow on Ivy's face. The interior of the palace would be beautiful and very golden. With tall white walls and gold trims, statues would be seen sitting atop pedestals. Venturing deeper into the structure, the group would arrive outside the atrium. Walking inside, an older man in golden and red robes would be seen. Standing in the centre of the room, he'd quickly look up to the trio. Being joined by several knights by his side, they would all instantly bow.

"Miss Ivy Gascoigne!" He spoke. "Welcome, to Metalloic!"

Hanging on a stand behind him would be the royal staff. With its red sphere hovering centimetres above the pole, two wings floating other side and three ribbons flowing mysteriously, Ivy would be instantly fixated on it. The older man would notice, chuckling.

"That's The Staff Of Crimson. Rumoured to be created by the Goddess herself!" He stated. "A weapon to be used by The Golden Edge only!"

Nodding her head, Ivy would smile.

"Okay. But. What now?" She asked, rubbing the back of her head.


Arriving back in the Metallo region of Metalloic, The Golden Edge would march towards the palace. Followed by Ren and Demetrius, it wouldn't take the trio long to make it back. Entering the structure, the group would walk deeper into the building. Making their way to the atrium, Ivy would spot her new head maid. Stopping in place, she'd wave over to her.

"Hey, Jocasta!" She called her, grabbing her attention.

Pausing her mopping, the secretive villainess would peer up. Faking a smile, she'd lean her mop against the wall before waddling over to the leader. Arriving in front of her, she'd nod.

"How can I help, Ma'am?" She asked, tilting her head.

"I need you to gather the girls, ask for some civilians to volunteer and start decorating the streets. We're holding a festival with The Ingoshian Tribe!" The Golden Edge smirked. "We'll have a parade starting here and ending in their region. Knights from both tribes will take part, and so will the leaders!"

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