Chapter 7: Day One

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What happened the next day couldn't have possibly have been made up.  We woke up to the sound of blaring alarms, nobody knew what was going on.  We were each handed a pair of thin gray pants and a white t-shirt.  We were put in a single file line.

"Where are we going?" I asked one of the men that were getting us in line.  He did not reply. I dared not ask again, he was holding a gun.  We were led into a small colorless room.  I noticed that there were two doors, one than we came in through.  Toby noticed something else, he nudged me.  I saw it. A window.  I was blankly staring out the window when someone burst through the second door. "Alright!" he shouted.  "My name is General Prindor, but you will call me Sir.  Is that understood?"  We nodded.  "When I ask you a question it is to be answered with yes sir or no sir!" He shouted angrily.  "Yes Sir!" we shouted back.  "You have all been brought here on a top secret government research project.  We have picked each of you specifically.  You are the kind of people that no one will know if you disappear.  When we tell you to do something, anything, you must do what you are told.  Your lives are on the line if you are not obedient.  Every day you are to get up, put on your uniforms and be waiting in the hallway in three minutes or less, you are to come into this room to find out what you are to do that day, and we lights are out, lights are out! Am I making myself very clear?" "Yes sir."  With a slam of the door he was gone.  A girl that seemed about my age entered the room.  She handed each of us a Styrofoam cup with a metallic looking liquid inside.  "General's orders." she said and she left.  Unaware of what to do with it we glanced around. " I have video surveillance of every part of this facility!" Came a voice through the booming loud speaker.  "These drinks are your meals.  You are to drink without a word."  The loudspeaker clicked off.  We drank the disgusting substance.  Everything went black.  

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