Chapter 3: The Wiggles Hate Eachother in Real Life

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TW FOR: Blood, Violence, (Slight) Panic attacks, Implied past abuse + trauma.

viewer discretion has been advised.


Macaque panicked. Wukong would fucking KILL him for even interacting with Mk. Didn't the kid know they weren't good terms? Macaque was pretty sure he disclosed this whole thing at the shadow play.

He snatched up little Moon and practically threw himself into a shadow portal. He knew if Wukong hadn't yet seen him before, he damn sure did now. He heard a gasp from Mk.

Fuck. They were closer than I thought.

Macaque stayed in the shadows for a while. Nobody could see him for now, but he knew far better than to let his guard down. Yueliang was freaking out and yowling. He forgot animals tended to not like shadow magic.

"Please, please, please, shh," Macaque begged. His tail pressed tight against his body. Yueliang didn't stop. Macaque, now also panicking, opened a small shadow portal just big enough for Yueliang to fit through. The cat jumped out of his arms and out back onto the boat. Macaque sat in the shadow still, listening. His heart hammered against his chest so hard he was afraid Wukong would hear it. He felt so cold without the small cat. He also felt that pit growing in his chest again.

"please leave quickly," Macaque whispered. He would never admit it to anyone, but he was scared. His #1 priority was staying not dead and Sun Wukong was the biggest threat to that goal. The kid must've betrayed him. He probably brought Wukong here just to kill him!

His ears twitched as he heard footsteps outside of the shadow and a voice approaching.

"kitty kitty kitty..? pspspspspsps...are you over here? I can hear you," Mk called, worried.

Speak of the devil.

Macaque watched from the shadow as Mk found Yueliang trembling and mewling his raspy mew. It made Mac's heart sink deeper. He really did scare the shit outta the cat. Oops. He hoped it'd still like him.

He watched as Mk went to pick up Yueliang— but Little Moon lashed out with spitting fury and claws. Mk yelped and stumbled back, hand on his now bloody cheek. Macaque decided to take this to his advantage and emerged.

"Traitor," Macaque hissed furiously. Yueliang looked up at him, puffing up briefly before calming down.

"Huh?!" Mk blinked. "Traitor? Macaque, what're—"

"I know you brought Wukong here on purpose!" Macaque snapped, grabbing the boy by the collar of his jacket. He knew it was slightly choking Mk but he really didn't care.

"N-No—! Well..yes, bu—"

Macaque punched him, Sending the kid flying. Mk's scream was cut off by a crash as he was flung off the boat and into the side of a dumpster. It left a dent. Mk sat up, groaning. Macaque's tail lashed furiously.

By now Wukong showed up. He hadn't yet spotted the six-eared demon and was solely focused on his apprentice.

"KID?! Are you alright? What happened? Answer me!"

He heard Mk get up with a pained groan.


Wukong turned his head to where Mk had come from and immediately saw Macaque. His eyes widened, startled but not surprised. As Wukong stood up to positively beat the ever loving fuck outta Mac, Mk stopped him.

"Wait, wait! It's okay, there's just been a...mild misunderstanding..." Mk groaned as he pulled his hand from his face. It was bloody. It was hard to tell if he had a nose bleed or not considering what the cat did.

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