Chapter 5- this was not supposed to happen..

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It was only a few minutes before the door flung open to reveal a smiling Wilbur. He quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me inside, before I could even greet him.

Once we got inside i quickly glanced around the room. It was pretty small but was very neat and cozy looking.

"Welcome to my humble abode!" He said with a smile.

"It's really nice!!" I say while shooting him a smile.

"AHHHH WOMAN!!!!" Tommy shouted as he walked out of kitchen holding a coke.

I slightly cringed at his volume, then sent him a quick wave.

"Wilbur, did you know that I've seen her twice today all ready?!" He said in a much lower volume.


"Yup" tommy replied, popping the p. " I saw her this morning at Bad's coffee shop, then when me, Tubs, Aimsey and Bill went to the icecream store a few hours ago!!"

"Honestly, I just thought he was stalking me." I said nonchalantly. (in monotone).

Tommy just gasped, while Wilbur chuckled.

"We'll anyways," I started to avoid any awkwardness, "what shall we do?"
"I was thinking we play some games" Wilbur said.
"Board games or video games?" I ask. I'd be happy to do either. I really hope he has sorry.

"either, what do you want to do?" He asked.

I thought for a moment before replying. This is a very serious question, if you haven't noticed.

"hmmm do you happen to have....sorry??" I say with a sly smile.
"Yeah, wanna play?" He asked with a grin.
He must've known my idea. Sorry can be a very interesting game to say the least. Since people are knocking people out and sending them back to start, it can cause some drama.

"NO NO NO" Tommy yelled.

"What's the problem tommy? Don't like sorry?" I asked while smirking.

"Sucks to suck I guess." Wil said while going to get the game.

Tommy just whined in response. "This game is the worst!!!"

I just shrugged in response. Wilbur walked in with the game in his hands and set it down on the coffee table. We all sat around it and chose our colours. I chose green, Tommy chose red and Wil chose yellow.
It took quite a bit for someone to actually get out of start but finally I pulled a two and a ten. I decided to go backwards one instead of forwards ten just in case I got a backwards four. Tommy then pulled a one and got out. After a few more cards Wilbur finally got a sorry and knocked Tommy back into start.

"WILLLLLL, WHAT THE FUCK!!!" He shouted.

I just laughed at the kids bad luck. Now Wilbur had one pawn out, I had two and Tommy had zero. Poor Tommy.

After thirty minutes Wilbur was in the lead, with one in home and two out of start. Tommy was currently in second with two pawns out of start, but none in home. I, on the other hand, only had one pawn out due to the fact that everyone kept knocking mine off the board or got a sorry, but I had one in home already. I may not be too lucky,but at least I'm not loosing. Yet.

After around an hour, the game came to an end, with Wilbur winning, me getting second and Tommy coming in last. It came down too a battle to see who's pawn would get into home first. It took two times of going through the card deck for me to finally beat Tommy.


I just laughed.

"Dont be a sore loser Tommy" Wilbur teased.


"Yeah, tommy, dont be a little bitch boy" i sais while laughing.

At least i wasnt the one loosing this time. When I play with friends or family, I always seem to loose! Luck is not on my side I guess.

"So what now- " I started before I heard knocking on the door.

Wilbur and Tommy looked at each other.

"I wasn't expecting anyone else's to be here today....Tommy can you look to to see who it is?" He said with a serious look on his face.

Tommy nodded and quickly got up to look out the peephole in the door.

"Shit shit shit!" Tommy whispered and ran over to Wilbur. "They're here!"

"Who's here....." I say, absolutely confused.

Tommy just scoffed, " Dream is here!!"

Wilbur just looked at him before responding.

"Ok well we're just gonna have to leave then and hope he doesn't follow us."

"What about the woman?!?" Tommy asked, throwing his hands up.

"She'll have to come too. After all, Dream probably knows she's here, so we can't just leave her!" He said before walking off to grab something.

"I'm sorry, whats happening?" I ask, absolutely confused by the sudden mood change.

"I'll explain later." Wilbur said while pulling me into his streaming room.

He quickly loaded up a weird looking version of minecraft before looking at me.

"Uh you might want to hold onto me, traveling to this dimension can be......interesting" he said while hitting the load button.

Traveling to a different dimension?? What the fuck. I quickly wrapped my arms around him and he did the same. He seemed pretty serious about this so I just complied with no hesitation, even though this sounded absolutely absurd. As soon as the screen hit 100% a flash of light exploded and I felt myself being pulled into the game.

All I could see was white and it felt like my body was constantly being ripped apart and then put back together. I tightened my grip on wil even though I couldn't see him, and I felt his arms tighten around me in response. It was comforting. I saw a shadow of a man with a mask on that seemed to have 'XD' written on it before everything went dark.


A/N- I hope you guys liked this chapter. I was gonna drag out the sorry part but I decided not too, so yeah!!! I'll try and post the next chapter ASAP!!! Thanks for reading and don't forget to comment, vote and share to boost the book!!

Ily and don't forget too eat and drink!!

-nikki <3

Word count: 1058

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