Chapter 6- L'manberg??

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Outfit (you'll see later why it changed lol):

Outfit (you'll see later why it changed lol):

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Black. Black was the last thing I saw besides the masked man. I'd have to ask Will about him later I guess. He seemed like some type of god. Maybe he's the god version of dream, or maybe he's in charge?

I woke up to Wilbur shaking me. I groaned while sitting up.

Who knew that changing realities could be so tiring and painful.

When I opened my eyes, I looked over at Wilbur who was crouching on the ground next to me. He looked.......different? Instead of his usual jumper and beanie, he had a blue uniform on with a......sailors hat???

"Oh, you must of noticed my appearance change." He said while laughing.

"Yeah, yeah I did," I said, while laughing.

"Wait. Wheres tommy- AHHHHH WHAT THE FUCK?!" I said looking down. I definitely do NOT remeber having a dress and corset on. In fact, i had jeans and a t-shirt on.

Wilbur just laughed.

"Well, since your in a different reality or dimension, you clothes get changed to fit where you are at, and Tommy was keeping guard until you woke up."

"How long have i been out for?" I ask.

"Around an hour I beleive? It is your first time shifting so it makes sense i were taking to long though so i had to wake you up myself." He said while shrugging.

(And no this isnt like shifting realities, its different but i just didnt know how to word it lol.)

"Uhhhh will!!!" Tommy called out while swiftly walking over to us.

"Yeah what is it?" Wil asked.

"Dreams coming" Tommy replied with a slight look of fear in his eyes.

"Damn it, I thought we had more time" he said while standing up "do you think you can walk?"

"Um, yeah probably" I said, slowly standing up.

Tommy handed me a bow and a few arrows.

"I heard you were good with this in the game so you'll probably be fine here." He said while shrugging.

I took them and placed the arrows in a belt that seemed to be my inventory I suppose? It was quite a confusing concept, if I'm being honest. Then I draped the bow across my shoulders, just in case I might need it. You never know what could happen.

After I was done and situated, Wilbur grabbed my hand and all three of us started off in a new direction. Where too? Who knows.


We'd only been walking for around ten minutes when we suddenly stopped. Wilbur looked around and then an arrow shot out from somewhere in the forest, grazing Wilbur's left Cheek.

"AHHHHH" the child screamed.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here" a man said while stepping out of the forest, bow in hand.

I instantly knew this man as dream, due to the fact that he was wearing his signature smile mask. I also noticed that he was in full netherite armor and we had......well none.

"What do you want dream?" Wilbur asked in an annoyed tone.

Dream scoffed, "Your outside of the walls, and last time I checked, you're not allowed to be out here."

Tommy rolled his eyes, "We had to go to earth!!! Did you expect us to stay here forever!!!"

"Well you could go to earth.... IF YOU SURRENDER! It's not like you'd win anyways." He said with a smirk.

I haven't known this dream fella very long, but so far, he's a real dick.

"Okay okay dream" Wilbur said while holding his hands up, " we'll be going back to lmanberg now!"

"Lmanberg....." I mumble. So thats where we're headed too!!

Wilbur grabbed my hand and we started walking the rest of the way back to lmanberg before another arrow was shot at us, barely missing me! What the hell!

Dream pulled out his sword and just shook his head.

"Did you really think I'd just let you go?" Dream asked, amused.

"Uh, yeah?" Tommy said with a bit of a scoff.

Dream didn't reply and instead ran at us with his sword held high.

Will quickly pulled out his sword and blocked the hit.

"Y/n, please get to lmanberg, we'll meet you there once we finish dealing with this green bastard!" Wilbur said.

I nodded and ran towards the gates. I wanted to help but I don't think there was much I could do. Then I remembered my bow. I'd need higher ground to even possibly hit him.

I watched Wilbur and Tommy exchange a few hits before noticing a ladder on the side of one of the walls. I quickly climbed up it, wasting no time, and pulled out my bow.

I aimed for his shoulder and whispered a quick prayer. Let's just hope that I can use a bow in real life and not just in minecraft.

I pulled the string backwards and let go.


Luckily, this gave Wilbur and Tommy enough time to make it too the gate before Dream could catch up.

I quickly jumped down to meet them.

"You have 3 days to surrender! After then I'll have NO MERCY! NO MERCY FOR YOU!" Dream shouted before enderpearling away.


A/n- I hate this chapter but I really needed to post! Um I have the ending planned now so woooo!!! Don't forget to comment and vote!! Also I'll probably edit this chapter soon so it's better and I'll make an announcement when I do!

Have a good day/night!

Word count: 866

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