A BABY?!!!

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It had all happends so fast.The others had been fighting a demon that was getting a bit tough to handle. Until all of a sudden the demon shot a strong ray straight at Mei,Swk reacted quickly and ran in front of her to block the ray from hitting her.

Everything became a blur for everyone,the ray was lasting for so long it had created a powerful smoke blocking everyone's vision and giving the demon enough time to escape.MK blew the smoke away,at the time Mei had already gotten her vision back and was looking for Swk.Until she heard a baby's cry,she immediately froze and looked around to see where the noise had come from.She was walking around till she stopped dead in her tracks....their in front of here sat a curled,golden baby monkey with Swk armor on it{the armor had also shrunk,so baby still has it on}

She picked him up,much to her surprise he was extremely light
"Mei:Uhhhhh guys a little help here"
"Mk:Mei are you ok"
"Mei:Yes,but umm something happened to Monkey king"

And with that Mei had turned around to show Mk the little monkey in her arms,at that time the others had arrived just in-time to hear there little conversation and were all shocked to see a little Swk

"Tang:HE'S A BABY"

Sun Wukong turns into a BABY!!!!Where stories live. Discover now