An accident

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This might get a little gory just warning y'all

It had already been two days and the others noticed that Swk seemed to have grown.They decided they were going to stop at a village to get him new food.But Tang told them to only get him veggies and fruit no meat they all agreed a little confused but headed there way with Sandy staying in the ship.

-time skip-

Baby Swk is lost.He had no idea how, one minute he was holding Macaques arm and the next he was lost.He started whimpering as tears formed in his big golden eyes.A man then came up to him and asked if he was ok..."I'm lost....".The man looked at him and said he'd help him find his 'parents'.But first he came up to a meat stand to get him some food.

-gore coming-

The man and Swk had sat in a table as Swk ate with his little hands politely but after he finished the plate he asked for more.The man ordered more but this time Swk stared eating it more savagely,the man feeling a little worried brought him to and ally way which was his first mistake.Swk had bit off his arm and was now munching on it,the man started screaming with pain as blood gushed out like pool.Little Swk then launched himself at him and bit him in the neck killing the poor man.

Not far away the others who had lost little Swk heard the scream and were now running towards that direction.The moment they reached the alley way Tang covered his mouth shocked,Mk and Mei had wide eyes and were and had there mouth dropped,Pigsy Macaque and Nezha just stood there frozen. They were staring at a man who seemed not even recognizable and a crying little monkey curled in a wall covered with blood around his mouth and hands.

They had picked him up and Macaque just told them to hang on as he made a portal and they were all now in the ship.They we're all still shocked and seemed like they were in big thoughts but they were cut out as they heard the little sobbing coming from little Swk.

Tang:The man must have given him meat...
Nezha:Well what is so wrong with that
Tang:Swk must have not liked the normal meat so he went for another option.....human meat

They were all just standing there shocked and looking at Tang as if telling him to continue

Tang:Back then Swk was just a powerful monkey....who sometimes had no control of when he first tried meat....he ate it like a savage..but after a while he didn't like that meat and went for...human meat..
But after a while everyone seemed to notice that he would try and eat them,
so he would disguise himself as beautiful woman to lure man and man only to an alley and eat them......
sometimes he would also eat woman but it was only when man weren't when he met the Great Monk he was put on a diet where he would not eat meat...but I'm telling y'all right now,don't get mad at him....
he has no control over that

The others now looked more mortified and Nezha and Macaque just stood there with a serious-frown face. Macaque volunteered to bathe the little monkey and was now with him in the bathroom.

-Little fluff -

They were both splashing water at each other as Mac decided to join him in the shower.Mac was scrubbing Swk hair and was surprised at how soft it was...having there past memories of when they were still friends come back he picked up the little monkey and hugged him...
After the both were down showering Mac had on a black shirt with dark purple sweatpants,while little Swk had this big yellow cute shirt that went to his knees and had a cute bear in the middle and he had these yellow shorts that were being covered by the shirt.
The two had made there way to their own room and were now laying down with Swk on top of Mac's chest and Macaque having his arms wrapped around the little monkey.

Thx to all those that have read the story but I think next chapter might be the last one and where Swk turns back.

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