Troy is hurt

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Back with the kids....

Theyre all sleeping at Jenny's place.

Sonia sleeps on one of the sofas.

Jenny is in her bed unknowingly snuggling with Spike

Spike smiles in his slee

Kenny sleeps holding the sleeping Robyn but before he can slip his hand onto her breasts she slaps his hand away in her sleep

Kenny muffles: Oh!

Robyn giggles before he smirks and kisses her neck making her moan.

Sleaze sees them all asleep. But now is not the right time to take Sonia. But he can leave them with a scare.

Sleaze- I just need someone to attack....

He looks and sees Troy getting up for a drink of water and smirks

Troy pours water in his cup and drinks*

He sees a big shadow.

Troy- Hm ?

He looks behind him and sees the demonic weasel entity

Troy: Who are you?

Sleaze- Your worst nightmare....

Before Troy could call for help amd escape his tail wrapped around his body amd tied hos muzzle

Troy tries to shake it off*

Sleaze started slashing his claws at his body

Troy muffled screamed*

Sleaze keeps slashing and slashing severely injuring him as Porsha blissfully sleeps and rolled over.

Porsha- Mmm.....

Porsha tries to feel Troy*

Porsha- Troy.......

Sleaze notices she is going to wake up any minute and looks at Troy

Troy has tears*

Sleaze- I'll leave you as a little message for Sonia..... But for now.... Sleep.....

Sleaze drops him and fled into the darkness as Porsha wakes up.

Porsha- Troy ? Babe , where are you?

Porsha wakes up amd heads to the kitchen and sees blood marks

Porsha- Huh ?

Porsha walks in the kitchen and screams in horror as she sees the scarred and bloodied Troy on the floor unconscious

Porsha- Troy !!!

Time Skip.....

The kids are all waiting outside the ER. Sonia looks at the ER door worried amd nervous.

Jenny- Do you know what happened Porsha?

Porsha- ( Tearfully ) I don't know ! I woke up and found him lying on the floor in the kitchem !

Maisie: Something bad hurt him.

Loona came in: Where's my brother?! Is he okay?!

Wally- We came as soon as you called!

Blitzo- Alright who's the motherfucker who scarred my Half..... Son ! Yeah half son ! ( Mumbles ) Shit. Sounds awkward when I say it

Tito: I don't know, we were sleeping, we woke up hearing Porsha scream and we saw Troy hurt badly!

Fenrir: Whoever did that to him is going to face my gun.

Snips: No, I oughta Chainsaw this mother- *as Maisie covered his mouth*

Kyle- Justice !

Peppi giggles.

Jenny- Are you kidding me ?! Those are all end me quick deaths which is like you're rewarding the motherfucker ! ( Takes out knuckle brasses ) Now look at these ! See these ! These are illegal in a few places ! NOW They can make a jackass suffer an unbearable way

Maisie shows her raptor claws: Or I can claw the guy who hurt Troy, my claws are deadly.

Jenny- Ooh thats better. 

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