Meet Beerus and Phoenix layed an egg

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Void- I cant believe Charlie thinks there is redemption for hell.

Vexa makes a fart sound by blowing her raspberry at him whem he mentioned Charlie
Aku chuckles: Charlie!

Vexa blows her tongue again

Void chuckles: That's my evil daughter, and besides do you know what happens to the demons when they get exterminated?

Ixis: They go to double hell?

Void: Iblis is in charge of taking the killed demons souls to the home of the Darkness.

Vexa- So you make like a small kingdom of demon souls ?

Void- Most likely

Vexa- Hell yeah ! We got our own demons !

Them Vexa gasped

Void: Yes sweetie?

Vexa- Hell ? I made a joke !

Her brothers and her laughed as Void smilee

Vexa- Oh Daddy !

Void- Yes ?

Vexa- Remember how you were very protective of me even you cant have anyone look at me


Baby Vexa coos

Void is reading a newspaper*

Baby Vexa is cuddling amd.snuggling in hia shirt

Void looks and smiles*

Her brothers smile as they hold the camera trying to get a zoom in of their baby sister

Void drinks his coffee*

He sees Aku and Null amd Definite trying to get a zoom in video of theor sleeping baby sister in his shirt

Void sees them: Leave your sister alone

Aku- But why ?

Vexa whimpers in her sleep

Void growls protectivly*

Definite- Dad ?

Vexa coos and squirms in his shirt as she is sleeping

Void pets her head*

Vexa wakes up whining

Void: You kids woke up your sister!

Aku- Oops

Vexa cries louder as she was woken uo

Void: No no don't cry

Void gently cradles and rocks her and she looks at him sniffling

Void holds her stuffed toy

Its her baby squirrel and coos before she snuggles it

Void smiles and pats her head*

Baby vexa coos and sucks her father's thumb making him giggle before he glares at her siblings

Void: Don't ever wake up your sister again!

Aku- Ok ok were sorry ! 

Flashback ends.... 

Vexa- Ahh good times Then the new member appears

Void: Ah, your here new member.

They see a tall hamdsome purple sphinx God

Aku: A cat?

Beerus- Sphinx.

Void: Beerus, you made it

Vexa- Who's Beerus

Beerus- The God of Destruction from Galaxy 7

Null: Wow!

Dark Gaia amd Sailor Galaxia come in

Dark Gaia: Hi dad.

Galaxia- Whonis this ?

Void: Meet Beerus.

Galaxia lools and her eyes widened

Galaxia blushes

Galaxia- Oh ! H--hello !

Dark Gaia: Hey, she's my girl!

Galaxia blushess

Beerus: I see.

Void: Come, I'll show you where the VES meeting room is. *as he leads him*

Meanwhile at the beach*

Nigel is going to eat a crab but the seagulls are saying "Mine mine mine mine mine"

Nigel-( Groans ) Will you all shut up?! You rats with wings ! You never learn do you ?!

Phillip came: Nigel! It's your wife!

Nigel- What , Phoenix ?! Is she okay ?!

Phillip: She's fine, she wanted me to tell you something, she has a surprise for you at the nest!

The seasgulls keep saying Mine mine mine*

Nigel- Imma go now ! Here take it !

Nigel throws the crab above the seagulls and landed on the rock but before they could catch it , the crab did a threatening karate pose at the seagulls and jumped into the water.

Seagull- Mine ?

In the nest.....

Phoenix smiles as she nuzzles her egg before Nigel comes in panting

Nigel- Im here ! Im here love ! Is everything alright ?!

Phoenix: Everything's okay honey, I have an egg

Nigel- Really ? Let me see

Nigel walked closer to the nest amd he gasped happily as he sees a single egg and covers his beak with his wings

Nigel- Oh my goodness... Im a Dad

Phoenix: Yes you are honey.

Nigel smiles and gently touches it

Phoenix smiles*

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