Porsha's siblings are born

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Fanny then comes out with a sassy look

Loona: Is my brother okay?!

Fanny-( Sassily ) Oh I dont know on my clipboard says heart still beating?!

Porsha sighs of relief: Oh thank goodness.

Fanny- Now what the FUCK were you kids thinking ?! What made you think it was okay staying over without telling your parents ?!

Then Natasha and Buster come.

Natasha- Porshy ?

Porsha: Mommy!

Natasha- Baby !

Natasha hugs her daughter as Buster catches up.

Natasha- Are you alright ? What happened ?!

Porsha has tears: Someone hurt Troy!

Natasha- What ?! ( Feels a bump.) Oh !

Porsha: I feel my baby sibling mom.

Natasha- ( Smiles ) I know ! And it's the 9th month !

Buster- It is sweetie

Fanny- Look anyway you cant see Troy. In order for him to get better he needs to be alone to recover and maybe he will tell us what caused this.

Porsha wipes her tears: Okay...

Natasha- Oh honey. I have something to tell you

Porsha: Yes?

Natasha- Your father is getting out tomorrow

Porsha gasped*

Buster- Yeah. Lets hope he doesn't try to kill me again

Them Natasha feels pain and Buster looks

Porsha: Mom? You okay?

Buster- Homey ? Are you alright ?

Nurse Dovil looks and sees.

Dovil- Oh my ! Mrs. Crystal is having her pupppy

Natasha holds her stomach*

Dovil- Ill take her ! Come on Mrs. Crystal just follow me to the next ER

Dovil gently takes Natasha away as Buster and Porsha follow

???- Ahem !

Snips looks and sees his angry mate with their pups

Snips chuckles nervously*

Priscilla-( Glares ) Thanks for leaving the THREE of us behind Snips......

Snips looks down: I'm sorry babe...

Priscilla sighs and places him.on her lap

Snips: Oh!

Priscilla- ( Kisses his head ) I forgive you babe.

The babies crawl cooing to him

Snips: Hi babies.

Minny whimpers sadly that he left without telling them

Snips: I'm sorry I went without telling you sweetie.

The babies coo.

In Lucy Sulfer's room....

She and Sleazy Carnie are in a hot makeout session

Sleazy smiles*

Lucy- Mmmm.....~

Sleazy: Baby....

Lucy- Mmm ?

Sleazy kisses her*

Lucy hotly kisses him back

Sleazy smirks

Lucy- What ?~

Sleazy: I want kids from you....

Lucy gives him a sexy stare and smirk

Lucy- Alrighty~

Sleazy kisses her*

Lucy- Mmmm~

Sleazy begins to have more fun*

Back at the hospital....

They're waiting for Natasha along woth Porsha and Buster

Porsha is worried*

Buster- oh dear. I hope Tasha is okay.

Then Nurse Dovil comes out giggling as she is holding a blue amd a pink bundle

Porsha: Huh?

Dovil-( Giggles. ) Congratulations ! You have a baby brother and sister !

Porsha: Wow!

Buster-( Smiles ) Amazing !

Jenny- Huh ?

Dovil- Here you are Ms. Porsha. Your mother is sleeping.

She hamds the bundles to Porsha

Porsha: I'll call my sister Preppa.

Buster-( Smiles ) I'll name the boy Royce.

Snips- Lile a fancy car ?

The gamg glare at him

Snips- What ?

Buster- Take a look at them

They looked*

They see a small girl snow white puppy with blue eyes and a greyish black and white male puppy with amber eyes whimpering

Tito: Awwwww

Jenny- Oh goodness !

Maisie- They're such precious !

The pups look and nervously whimper loudly

Sonia: Awwwww

The puppies whimper and look at Buster and Porsha

Porsha: Hi baby siblings

The puppies look at her

Porsha nuzzled them*

The babies whimper and smile as Sonia looks away wondering who attacked Troy. 

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