Fighting the evil Snake

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Back with Serverus and Sonia.....

Serverus has his tail in he rmouth thrusting

Sonia: Mm...Mm....

Serverus- Yes...yes...

Sonia has tears: Mmm... Mmm....

Serverus moams as he keeps licking her

Sonia moans: Mmm...Mmm.. (Snake, Pinny, anyone help...)

Serverus- No one is here to save you.... 

He keeps licking

Sonia: Mm...mmmm...

Serverus feels her cum in his mouth

Sonia cries*

He then bends her down to his member

Sonia tries to move away*

He forces her to suck his member

Sonia: Mm!

He thrusts into her mouth

Sonia: Mm...Mm...Mmm...

Serverus- Ah.... Ah...

Sonia cries moaning for help*

???- SERVERUS !!!

They looked*

He sees Sleaze , Maisie and her friends , and the Weaselings

Serverus: You again!

Sleaze- Get your filthy member out of her mouth !

Snake and Pinstripe also appear

Serverus: Great, those two again!

Snake- That's right you son of a bitch !

Serverus pulls his member out of Sonia"

Serverus: I won't let you ruin my chance to claim Sonia as my queen!

Sleaze- We'll see about that ! I should've known you would only use me !

Serverus places Sonia behind him*

Serverus: Too bad, everyone fear you after stabbing the kid.

Malikai- Sonia told us why ! Its because you tricked him into sharing Sonia and only used him !

Tops: And your nothing but a mange Snake!

Serverus growls: I'm a dragon for the last time! *as his dragon horns glow* Now prepare to perish!

Snake gets on Sleaze with Pinstripe.

Snake- Sleaze lunge to him !

Sleaze- I cant do that !

Snake- Oh yes you can ! ( Grabs his tail ) CHARGE !!

He pulls Sleaze's tail making him jerk over and tackle Serverus

Serverus yells* Sonia gets dressed and watched in shock*

She runs over to her friends as she watches Snake and Pinstripe on Sleaze fighting him

Tigs: Whoa!

Tito- Holy shit ! Sleaze scratches amd bites onto Serverus body

Serverus yells, he tries to blast him with his horns*

Sleaze ducked before Snake yells before he jumped off Sleaze and bit onto his face

Serverus yells*

Malikao then blasts Serverus

Serverus is hurt*

Serverus: You made a big mistake... I'll be going back to Void, I'll be back with revenge!!! *as he teleported away*

Arabella- ( Gasped ) He's gone ! ( Looks ) No wait. There he is.

They all look and see him trying to swim.

Serverus: Dang it! Pretend you didn't see that! *as he leaves*

Sonia has tears*

Sleaze is upset as Snake and Pinstripe got off of him.

Snake- Babe ? Are you okay ?

Sonia hugs them: It was awful... *sniff sob*

Snake and Pinstripe hug her back and snuggle her.

Snake- Its okay....

Pinstripe- You're safe now babe...

Sonia smiles*

Malikai: Thanks Sleaze

Sleaze- No problem...

Sonia wipes her tears*

Malikai: Let's go home now. *as they left*

Evil Snake vs SleazeWhere stories live. Discover now