Part 10-Under the Clear Sky, or rather a BIG F*CKING ASTEROID!

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You gather yourself and walk into the meeting room. You open the door and spot Fubuki, stating what the Blizzard Bunch must do today. She was so hot, being a confident leader and very straightforward, while also mysterious and alluring. She said that the Blizzard Bunch must help people evacuate from the area of impact and make sure to save as many people as possible. The meeting finishes and you leave to see if your outfit is cleaned, and Piko says that it will take roughly a day for it to be cleaned. So you decide to just go home and get your things when you get a call on your phone. You answer it. You ask who it is and a Hero Association Executive speaks with you and tells you to go to the association headquarters in City Z. After the call, you head over to the association headquarters.

Walking to the hero Association building in city z, you see Genos walking the same way. He's wearing a blue sleeveless sweater and seems to have some new modifications.

Y/N: "Genos! Hi."

Genos turns around and seems annoyed to see you. Although he reluctantly decides to talk to you.

Genos: "What do you want. I don't have time to speak with you right now."

Y/N: "I was heading to the Hero Association building, and you seem to be too."

Genos: "That is correct, I was told to go there. Most likely to discuss the asteroid."

Y/N: "Same here. Maybe I made it to Class A."

Genos: "No, you are still in Class B. However you are rank 2, and given how often your rank rises, you should be rank 1 sooner than later." he says.


You both walk towards the huge building. You walk up and the automatic doors open with such grace, way better than your revolving door back at your apartment complex. You didn't realize until now that Genos is holding a briefcase.

Y/N: "What's in the briefcase?" you ask him.

Genos: "Nothing of your concern." he replies shrewdly.

???: "Ah, you must be the two heroes sent here. Genos and Y/N yes?" an old man says. You and Genos both turn to him. "It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintances. I am Bang," he says.

Y/N: "Oh my god. Isn't that the Class S hero Silverfang?" you whisper to Genos.

Genos: "Correct. Class S rank 3 Bang, AKA Silverfang. He possesses true skill." he replies quietly. "The Association called us in," he says to Silverfang.

Y/N: "Ya, uh- we are probably here to talk about the asteroid right?" you ask.

Silverfang: "Everyone else is at headquarters. This branch office is empty now, every Class S hero got the call to come here, but we are the only ones that show up."

Y/N: "Hold on a second, I'm only Class B, why was I brought here?" you ask confused.

Silverfang: "The Association has been observing you and your exploits. They consider your powers to be useful in this scenario." he explains.

Y/N: "Oh ok. But this is an ASTEROID we're talking about."

Genos: "Why are we the only ones that showed up?" he asks Silverfang.

Y/N: (I feel like I'm being ignored at this point.) you think with disappointment.

Silverfang: "Maybe this branch is too far away, or they are all just busy. Perhaps some of the more cold-hearted ones simply don't bother."

Y/N: "Don't bother to an ASTEROID. An ASTEROID! Mind you that the great-great-grandfather of this asteroid probably killed the dinosaurs!"

Silverfang: "That's why I wonder. Us Class S heroes are only called in if an impossible problem to take care of, and today's dilemma is no exception." he says with slight somberness. "The threat level is Dragon, meaning it's a worst-case scenario. 35 minutes from now, a huge meteor will fall on City Z, they're asking nearby Class S heroes if they can do anything about it." he keeps explaining. Genos gasps. "Apparently it suddenly changed paths, that new trajectory means the end for us. The impact will wipe out City Z."

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