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MONSTER HIGH AU!! monster high is a kids show where the school is filled with like beings who are monsters or descendants of monsters blah if you don't know it i recommend searching it up! 


 fun fact: i submitted this for a english essay OKAY HERE IT IS LMFAO

Friday was screwed. This enormous school was too much even for her vast intelligence to figure out and she was approximately 12.34 minutes late to her first class ever. She hated that her first impression at this new school would be her barging into her first class late! Her massive wings that were most definitely too big for her small body already made her the centre of attention, now she'd have to deal with all her classmates' eyes on her, analysing her every move. Friday wondered if she should just skip the entire first class altogether but that would prove to be worse. She instead decided to suck it up and continue looking by herself, as there were no maps or any teachers in sight. Hearing the continuous ticking of the grandfather clock nearby, she started to walk faster through the halls. Distracted by her hastiness, she suddenly slipped over something and fell.

"Ow! Ugh, what did I-?" She looked behind her and saw nothing behind her splayed limbs. The long bottom feathers of her wings that brushed against the floor twitched and she realised the thing she tripped on were her own limbs. She felt a shudder go up her body and ruffle out of her feathers in frustration.

"Stupid wings! Good for nothing parents allowing me to roam that stupid lab." She exclaimed trying to get back up until a sudden voice startled her and made her fall again.

"I think they're quite nice." A smooth, deep voice sounded from above her.

She looked up and around in alarm, searching for the mysterious intruder. She saw movement in the shadows and peered closer into the darkness. However, it didn't appear that that was necessary, as the person graciously left the abyss themselves and stepped into the dim light of the hallway. As her eyes focused on the sight in front of her, she felt her throat run dry and immediately backed away. Still on the floor, she used her hands to drag her body away to tuck herself against the wall.

When she had first stepped through the gates she was bombarded with a flurry of white, black and neon coloured stripes. Words were being said to her, but she couldn't focus on them with the amount of fluff that tickled her cheeks and blocked her airways.

"WAI-YI!" Another stern voice could be heard and the tornado of colours had been pulled away from Friday.

"SORRY!" Wai-Yi exclaimed as she backed off the stunned owl girl. Wai-Yi practically bounced from one foot to the other. "I'm just so excited! We haven't had a new student in forever, Susie!!!"

'Susie' cringed at the nickname and sighed. She towered over Friday and she noticed that everywhere she stepped, flowers and weeds sprouted through the cracks of the concrete path. 'Susie' had long flowing red hair that had faded green streaks and Friday noticed her skin had a slight green tinge as well.

"I'm terribly sorry for her behaviour, Wai-Yi is very... loud." The taller girl shook her head, "My name's Susan Birchaines and before you ask, yes 'birch' like the wood. My mother is a forest Nymph."

"Hi!" Wai-Yi grinned widely, "My dad's Baihu!" She exclaimed proudly and showed her hands which, at the ends, were covered with fur and had long claws.

"And the gargoyle is Melanie." Susan gestured to a girl Friday had not noticed.

Melanie had dark grey skin which when Friday peered closer looked to be like stone. The girl had small wings with cracks scattered across them.

Friday Barnes SpamWhere stories live. Discover now