chapter 15: im uncomfortable

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Haruto was hugging my waist and I can literally feel his hard breath against my nape. It was cold but I think it's better to keep it like this. But everytime he breath, it would brush against my nape which send's shivers down to my spine. I move a little, facing him. Now is the time to look at him without getting flustered. His face is literally perfect. Double eye-lashes, hight bridge nose and heart-shaped lips. Everything is perfect. I guess even when he will wear trash bag, he can make anyone fall for him. Even when he breathe is perfect. As I was carefully observing his face, my eyes can't seem to not look and stare in his lips. I kissed his lips for many times and all I can say that it is quite addicting.

I slowly move closer to him and was about to kiss him but I realised that there is still a wall between us. I shouldn't be thinking about this stuffs.

"If you wont do it, I will". I was shocked when he suddenly spoke. Did he pretend to be asleep? I quickly divert my attention and did not look at him.

Junkyu: WTF?!

Haruto: Were you just planning to kiss me?

Junkyu was embarrassed.

Junkyu: N-no, why would I?

Haruto: " Why would I"?!???

Junkyu: Shut up and just sleep. Ie responded trying to hide my nervousness.

Haruto: Hyung, come close. He said as he signaled his hand for me to come close.

Junkyu: W-why ?!?

Haruto: I wanna cuddle you?!?

Junkyu: N-no!! Just sleep, well wake up early tomorrow.

Haruto: Please hyung!!

He was doing those things again and I can feel my heart somersaulting. He'll be the death of me.

Junkyu: Ah- uhm

I did not finish my sentence when he suddenly pull me .

Haruto: Hyung, why are you so cute?

Cute! Who?! Me! WTF! If I will take a look at myself right now, I bet my face is red already.

Junkyu:S-shut up, j-just sleep

Haruto: Hyung, were you jealous earlier because of the the girls? You are so good earlier hyung.

Junkyu: Jealous?! Who? M-me? No why would I ?!

Haruto became silent for a sudden. Disappoinment can be trace on his face. If I will tell that I'm jealous, would it be too early?

Haruto: Yes, why would you be jealous? Any ways let's sleep?

Junkyu became silent until drowsiness defeated him. Sleeping in Haruto's embrace.

Haruto POV

Still not admitting hyung? Well see.

Jihoon had a very good sleep, thanks to his boyfriend. Hyunsuk and Jihoon were assigned to this group since they were late yesterday and had to form another group . Well actually it's good because he can scold them if they misbehave. They were guided by Yeonjun sunbaenim.

Hyunsuk and Jihoon had to woke up early to cook for their breakfast. And to admit it, cooking was not in jihoons vocabulary but he love it since he is with Hyunsuk. When they finished cooking (and flirting) they need to wake the others up. Well it's their responsibility as the parents of the group.

They first went to Yedam and Asahi's tent were they found the couple cuddling. They woke up and get ready.

They next went to Yoshi and Mashiho's tent, where they are also cuddling. They told them to be ready for breakfast.

They proceed to Doyoung and Jeahyuk's tent where they saw the couple cuddling!! But without shirt. Jihoon shout.

Jihoon: Hyunsukieee, don't tell me they did it last night?

Hyunsuk: I bet they already baby.

Doyoung woke up because of the loud voice.

Doyoung: Ahhhhh, he yawn. Jihoon hyung, you're too loud in this early in the morning.

Jihoon: Well , we we're tasked to wake you two up, but I got shocked to see you two shirtless.

Jaehyuk also woke up.

Jaehyuk: Well, last night, it was so hot inside the tent.

Doyoung and Jaehyuk got up and change their clothes and went immediately to breakfast. Unbothered by Jihoon.

Jihoon: the heck just happened?

Hyunsuk: Let them be Jihoonie, since we also did it.

Jihoon was suddenly embarrassed.

Jihoon: Sukieee, don't let the reader know, they might get jealous.

They went to Jungwhan and Jeongwoo's tent were they were shocked of how many food wrappers are scattered everywhere. We'll, the two did not cuddle because they are "particularly" best friends. They got up and went to breakfast.

They went to the last couples tent which is Junkyu and Haruto's tent. Well it was no surprised to both of them to see them cuddling. Since the Haruto and Junkyu are just too dumb to realize that they were inlove with each other.

Jihoon: Hey you two wake up.

Hyunsuk: were gonna eat breakfast.

The two of them wake up and was embarrassed to see that they cuddle or embarrassed because Jihoon and Hyunsuk saw them cuddling. Junkyu immediately went out and followed by Haruto.

Hyunsuk: Well, Ogay!

Jihoon: Gay?!

They followed and went to eat breakfast.

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