-Chapter 1-

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A/N: Your Outfit Above)

A groan left my lips as my head pounded like a jackhammer was bashing it in with every slight movement that I made but I couldn't think about that right now, I had to figure out what happened and where I was.

Soon as my eyes opened all I could see was darkness aside from the slightest bit of light that was given by the moon that was in the sky, I was able to make out that I was surrounded by trees which made everywhere I look terrifying as it reminded me of a horror movie but the thing that really threw me off was that I couldn't quite remember how I got here.

As I slowly stumbled to my feet looking around I started to panic alittle, so I scrambled to find my phone out of my pocket but that too was missing although I remember holding it a few minutes ago and the lingering feeling of the device lingered on the skin of my hands.

This was all too confusing and terrifying to handle all at once but thankfully I heard and saw a car up on, what I believe, is a road so I quickly ran the best I could to the road to hopefully catch and stop whoever was driving the car before I was yet again left alone.

After constantly loosing my footing either from the wet ground or tree roots I made it to the road just as the car was driving towards where I was but I stumbled into the road, my foot slipping on the wet grass which was beside the road making me fall onto the tarmaced road.

I must of hit my head or something
but my vision started to blur as I heard the car screeched to a holt then a car door open and rushed foot steps that come my way just as I passed out again as my head was killing me.


Once I came too again I was laying on something soft almost like a sofa or bed but once that registered in my head of what happened earlier I shot up with my eyes darting around trying to figure out where I was, it looked the a living room and I was sat on a sofa with a blanket draped over my legs.

I looked around the room but my eyes landed on a picture frame that sat atop of a fireplace so I gently placing the blanket on the sofa then walked over to the picture before gently picking it up and looking it over, it was a picture of a family.

A happy one at that.

Something I never had the luxury of having as all of my aunt and uncle's attention was on their kids instead of me that they had to take in after my mother, the sister of my uncle, died in the army 2 years ago.

?)"Oh... your awake"

Turning to look over my shoulder I was met with a beautiful brunette girl around my age and went I say beautiful I mean stunning, everything about her screamed perfect, well to me anyway as I've always seen everyone asept myself perfect.

I gave her a polite smile before I placed the family photo back where it was then turned so I was now facing her she returned my smile then offered me some dry clean cloths considering mine was all dirty and wet from the rain earlier, I tried to refuse her kind gesture but she had a way of convincing me that it was the right thing to do, in the end I asepted her help and went upstairs to get dressed in the bathroom then once done I went back downstairs holding my dirty one's.

When I reached the third bottom step the front door opened and a young man with brunette hair came in but after he shut the door behind himself the looked up and he met my eyes which made up both freeze in place for a bit before the girl from earlier, Elena, walked out of the kitchen down the hall to see who just walked through the door.

It turned out that the guy that walked through the door just now was her little brother Jeremy and after I explained just exactually was I could remember to make me turn up in the woods out of no where they offered me if I wanted to stay with them just until I find my family, it was a really generous of them so I couldn't just say no to them for everything they've already done so I asepted.


A whole danm week has gone by and nothing.

There was no sign of a wrecked car which went off the road or my aunt and uncle for that matter which slightly worried me, what if they were hurt and needed help? Even though I questioned myself on why I was exactually worried for them as all they have done was ignore my existence for the last 2 years since moms death, so once the Mystic Falls police department told me that it was now a cold case they shut it and labeled it as unsolved coldcase.

Which left me in an unfamiliar town with no clue where I was and had nobody that I knew.

Bloody brilliant.

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