-Chapter 3 -

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Over all by the end of the day I had a few new friends which I was greatful for however at the same time I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched or something and every time I looked behind me there was nobody there, so I just brushed it off as my imagination.


Once I made it back to Elena's house after school I went straight to my tempary room and flopped onto the bed letting out a tired sigh, it felt like today was the longest day ever in my life and I've had some pretty long days before, without realising it I let my thoughts start to drift and a gentle smile slip onto my face.

I stared at the ceiling for awhile deep in thought until the sound of the front door being opened snapped me out of my head, thinking it was Elena or Jeremy I quickly got up then went downstairs only to find it wasn't either of them, not even Jenna, but none other than my history teacher.

"Um.... Mr saltzmen, I eh, didn't now you lived here or had a key for that matter"

Ricky)"Ricky is fine, I didn't know you lived with Elena"

"Yh it's only tempary tho"

I took a seat at the kitchen island as he unpacked a few things out of a bag which I assume was going to be for dinner and a silence settled over the room which was slightly awkward but weirdly comfortable, once he had taken all the things out of the shopping bag he asked if I wanted to help with dinner which I gladly accepted.

He told me what was for dinner and we got to work on cutting veggies along with making small talk for a bit, a few minutes went by and as I reached for another onion to chop up was the same time as my necklace slipped out from under my shirt, the next thing I heard was a crash from a pan being dropped which made me flinch at the loud sound then quickly looked up to see what happened.

Ricky was only stood staring at me for some reason, well, more like something around my neck anyway.

"What? Is there something wrong?"

Ricky)"That necklace, where did you get it from?"

"Oh, this thing? It belonged to my mom and she gave it to me before she died. She said that my dad gave it to her on there one year anniversary when they were dating, then the deadbeat left before she could tell him about me"

 She said that my dad gave it to her on there one year anniversary when they were dating, then the deadbeat left before she could tell him about me"

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A/N: your necklace above)

I gently placed it back under my shirt and went back to what I was doing before, the atmosphere became  awkwardly silent and I was so relieved when Elena and Jeremy came through the front door because it ment that I wasn't alone in this awkward situation with my history teacher.

Elena)"Hey Ricky.... I see you've met [Y/N]"

Ricky)"Yh, Jenna could of told me that you had a visitor staying with you guys it was awkward seeing one of my students in my girlfriend's house"

While they were talking I managed to slip away and took this chance to go upstairs to my tempary room, my mind was flooding with memories of my mom and it was making the headache that I had already get alittle bit more worse.

Once I got to my room I ran a hand through my hair letting a sigh out as I lent my head against the wall, taking a deep calming breath before pushing all the memories of my mom to the back of my mind as I took a few more breaths, without realising I gripped the pendant on my mom's necklace.

Jeremy)"Hey um... are you okay?"

Slowly letting a breath out I looked over my shoulder up at Jeremy that was now awkwardly standing in my doorway and by the looks of it had just gotten back from wherever he went after school, a slight amused chuckle left my lips when I lent my head against the wall again as I relaxed alittle bit more.

"Yh, I've just had this killer headache all day and it killing me. Nothing I do will shake it"

Jeremy)"Maybe it's your body's way of trying to get back the memories you've lost or rather you represented, it could be a good thing"

"But I have a feeling that not knowing is better than remembering whatever it is my subconscious is representing"

I truthfully told him while looking over at him as he took a seat next to me putting his school bag down next to him, we sat there for a little bit in comfortable silence with the only sounds being heard was Elena, Jenna and Ricky downstairs.

I cringed when another sharp pain flashed behind my eye making me groan in pain alittle resulting in Jeremy holding my hand in an attempt of comforting me, my breathing slowly picked up alittle then the pain disappeared like it never existed and I could now remember everything.


"I-I can remember, Jeremy I remember everything! Hahaha omg... Oh my god!"

Jeremy)"What? What did you remember?"

Jeremy turn so he facing me still holding my hand in an attempt of comforting me and I looked up into his eye's seeing how concerned that he was for me which was nice knowing that there's so many people here that care, especially after the horror that I've remembered which I forgotten.

"The reason I woke up in the woods, it's because of my aunt and uncle. They - T-They got fed up of looking after me so they dumped me off at the side of the road in the middle of nowhere t-then pushing me down the dirt bank for good measure-"

My head was now filled with all of the memories which my subconscious represented for my own benefit and wellbeing, tears started to well up in my eye's as my breathing picked up pace and I started to panic only now realising that I have no body. No family that cared about me, nobody what so ever.

I was so wrapped up in myself panic that revoles around my taunting memories of my cruel aunt and uncle that I didn't realise that Jeremy rushed downstairs to get Elena or Jenna, before I knew it I was pulled into a hug and I just broke down muttering thing's under my breath as I gripped to whoever was hugging me shirt.

It was in this moment that I knew that I was truly alone, but, at the same time not entirely alone.

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