-Chapter 2-

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A/N: Your outfit above)

Hey mum, how is it up there in heaven? I'm sure your finally at peace like grandpa and grandma. About two weeks ago I turned up in Mystic Falls unexplainably and without a single memory of how I got here, the doctors suspect I have some kind of amnesia or something which is holding back my memories from being remembered but don't worry I've made some wonderful and amazing friends which let me stay with them for the time being.

Between Elena and her aunt Jenna I feel like a spoiled little kid again, they even buy me some of my own clothes which I tried to convince them wasn't necessary but they won in the end. They've set me up in their spare bedroom and today will be my first official day at Mystic Falls highschool and I gotta say I'm excited, really! I miss you mama bear.

Lots of love, your daughter




After I finished writing my name on the end of my letter to my mum I shut the new blank journal that Jenna bought me last week before looking over to Elena that was stood in my doorway with a light smile on her face as she watched me, I simply returned her smile as I place the journal on the bedside table then got up off and grabbed my bag from the desk then walking over to her, we went downstairs so we could leave for school with Jeremy following us out the door. 

It was a nice sunny day with a welcoming breeze to match, it was a perfect day and I could feel it. 

Once we made it to school Jeremy went off to find his friends as Elena showed me to the office so I could collected my locker number, schedule and books then went in search of said locker which I put all my unneeded things into before the bell rang for classes, I looked at the piece of paper in my hand which had my classes on only to see that I had History first so I followed the directions that Elena gave me until I was facing a classroom door then knocked softly which caught the attention of the teacher and the rest of the class as I was a few minutes late because I had trouble finding it.

?)"Can I help you?"

"O-oh um yes sir. I'm the new student [Y/N] Riverside and I'm suppose to be in your class, I'm sorry that I'm alittle late I had trouble finding it"

Alaric)"That's okay, I'm Alaric Saltzman your history teacher for the year but most people call me Rick. You can take a seat in the back between Mr. Donovan and Mr. Lockwood, I'm sure one of them will be willing to bring you up to speed with what we've learned so far"

I quickly thanked him before making my way to where he told me to sit as he went back to teaching and soon as I sat down at my desk I pulled out a blank notepad, pen and the history book which I was given at the front desk earlier, looking up at the board I saw that they was learning about the Revolutionary war which I was quiet good at as anything to do with war fascinated me so when Mr. Saltzman asked the class if anyone could remember when and how long it went on for I couldn't resist but put my hand up too answer.  

Alaric)"Miss. Riverside, is there a problem?"

"Oh no sir, I know the answer. The American Revolution was an epic political and military struggle waged between 1765 and 1783, which was 7 years war in total, when 13 of Britain's North American colonies rejected it's imperial rule. The protest began in opposition to taxes levied without colonial representation by the British monarchy and Parliament."

When I finished explaining the whole class was silent and was looking at me shocked that I knew all that considering that I was the new student and all so I just shrugged then went back to flicking through the history book on my desk to find things relevant so I could take notes, it wasn't long before the hour was up and the bell for next class went so I gathered my thing put them in my bag then left class down the hall trying to figure out where my next class was which was English, however before I could get to far I heard someone call my name so looking over my shoulder I noticed that the guy which sat to my right was the one who called my name.

So I waited until he caught up then we both started to walk down the hall with him asking how I knew the answer to the question in class if I as I wasn't here when they learned it and all so I explained how I knew the answer as we walked to English together, it turns out his name was Matt Donovan and the other guy that sat to my left was Tyler Lockwood, apparently he's one of those rich boys and the town mayors son which explains the asshole vibe I got from him all through class.

Over all by the end of the day I had a few new friends which I was greatful for but at the same time I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched or something and every time I looked behind me there was nobody there so I just brushed if off as my imagination.

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