chapter 62

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Aisha says I don't have any problem with your and mehak marriage..... Hearing this Ibrahim gets happy and says thank you so much aunty I promise you I will keep her happy..... Aisha didn't say anything than both came out from the room.... Ibrahim says to the family aunty agreed for our marriage ..... Hearing this everyone gets happy but Alia says ammi why you get agree? Aisha says I tell you everything later.... Alia didn't say anything.... Than farha says let me check if mehak gets ready or not..... She goes in the room and sees mehak is wearing beautiful red color lengha alone with jewellery make up artist done a flobous job and hide all her marks..... Farha says you are looking beautiful just like a doll Ibrahim doll.... Mehak didn't say anything..... Than farha says let's go..... Farha and inaya take mehak out from the room and they came in the Hall..... Mehak sees that within few hours Ibrahim done all the preparation.... Hall was decorated beautifully food was there and Ibrahim family alone with some relatives was there than she sees her mother and sister she goes towards them and hugged her mother..... Aisha doesn't hugged her back..... Than she sees Ibrahim came he was looking handsome and wearing sherwani..... Adeel looks at his son and crys little bit..... Than farha says we should start the nikha.... They all settle down and qazi start the nikha..... With rps of 50 crores do you accept Ibrahim khan son of adeel khan and sameera khan as your husband? She didn't say anything for a while than farha says mehak answer them..... Mehak remember Ibrahim warning she says yes.... Three times
Than qazi asked to Ibrahim with rps 50 crore do you accept mehak daughter of Aisha and Muzamil as your wife? Ibrahim instantly says yes three times.....  they signs the marriage papers.... Than qazi  says congratulations nikha is complete..... Everyone become happy listening this and hugged each other.... Ibrahim happiness is on cloud 9 finally he got what he wanted.... He looks at mehak and smiles. ..... After that farha says inaya take your bhabhi into the room she must be tried..... Inaya take her into room and says I"ll bring food for you..... In the Hall everyone do there dinner and do lot's of gossip.... Inaya takes food for mehak and take the food into the room mehak says she was not hungry but inaya made her eat..... After dinner Aisha says Ibrahim I want to talk to mehak alone.... Ibrahim says ammi she is your daughter you can talk her why you are asking me? Aisha nobbled her head and goes in her room mehak sees her mother and hugged her but Aisha broke the hug and slap her face and says..... I only came here to tell you that now on words I don't have relation with you I  am breaking all the relation with you Mrs.... Mehak Ibrahim khan saying this she leaves the room.. . . Mehak didn't understand why her mother says this to her she sit in the bed and crys.. . .. When Aisha came out she sees Ibrahim was out there.. . .. He says are you breaking all the rel with me also? Aisha smiles lightly and says no.. . .. Ibrahim smiles and says I know you are angry that's why I didn't force you to talk with mehak you take your time. . .. . Aisha nobbled her head and goes from there.. . .. Sameera came towards Ibrahim and says why Aisha ji break her rel with mehak? Ibrahim told everything to his mother sameera asked why you lie? Ibrahim says I don't want to share mehak with anyone ammi.. . .. She is only mine.. . .. I was thinking before our marriage that how I will break mehak rel with her family but see Allah give me road and I use this.. . .. Sameera smiles and says you really love her.. . .. Ibrahim says yes but I still angry with her.. . .. Just than inaya came and says aunty uncle is calling you sameera nobbled her head and goes from there.. . . Ibrahim asked inaya did your bhabhi eat food? Yes bhai but little bit.. . .. Ibrahim nobbled his head and goes towards farha he says aunty make mehak eat the food properly.. . .
She needs energy..... Farha smiles listening this and says I will make her eat food and will give her juice also.... Ibrahim smiles and goes from there.... Farha takes lot of food and juice and goes  in mehak room she sees mehak was crying..... She wipe mehak tear and says mehak eat the food and drink juice..... I m not hungry says mehak..... Farha says mehak eat it you need energy tonight mehak was shocked with her words but didn't say anything she eat food and drink lots of juice..... After a while Aisha Alia goes from there.... Ibrahim asked his driver to drop them..... Than adeel says I think we should also go towards our home..... Ibrahim says ok he goes in mehak room and says let's go we have to go home..... With the help of inaya farha mehak gets up and they make her sit in the car Ibrahim also sit with mehak and all the members also sit in there respective cars and goes from there...... They reached in the mansion and sameera welcome them beautifully...... They all sit in the Hall and talk for a while.... Than farha take mehak in Ibrahim room mehak sees the room was decorated with red roses beautifully..... She make her sit in the bed and says Ibrahim will come after a while.... Have a beautiful night saying this she goes from there..... Ibrahim was taking with his dad and uncle just than he got the msg he open the message and gets shocked than he feel anger inside him he didn't say anything for a while than says to his uncle and dad that he has to go to his room he says good 9t to them and goes in his room!

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