chapter 47

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Three days has been passed in these three days Ibrahim daily pick mehak from her home and drop her home after college but both didn't say a word to each these three days he didn't kiss her, hug her not even touch her single finger..... He is getting restless because he wanted to hug mehak he wanted to kiss her now but he was hurt and still angry so he didn't do anything like this.... Mehak also missing his kisses, hugs, and love bite he gave to her but she can't do anything..... Just than she says to himself I didn't tell him about my vacation..... On the other hand Ibrahim was sitting with his family and his mood was hell upset..... Adeel says your fight with mehak didn't came to an end? Ibrahim says no..... Oh l see says adeel.... Just than mehak call Ibrahim..... Ibrahim sees the name in his phone screen and gets shocked because mehak never call him he always call her..... He received the call and says hello.... Hello Ibrahim.... Yeah tell me is everything is ok? Yeah everything is ok Ibrahim just wanted to say something..... Hearing this Ibrahim gets up from the couch and goes in his room.... And says tell me doll what you want to talk.... Hearing doll from his mouth she became happy because she was missing this Ibrahim very much..... She blushes and unknowingly she says I want permission.... Listening this Ibrahim says what permission? Than mehak says my family is going for mini vacation can I go with them? Listening this Ibrahim asked..... When why where with whom..... She says with my sister, mother cousin and jiju.... They plan to go in goa.... Than Ibrahim asked when and why? She says alia api just wanted vacation that's why..... Tomorrow all r leaving.... Hearing this he says what? Tomorrow..... Yes says mehak..... Than Ibrahim asked this plan is made by alia but when did she made this plan? Mehak says 3 days ago..... And you are telling me now? Says Ibrahim..... Mehak says..... You were not taking with me so I didn't say anything..... Ibrahim gets
Angry he says I m coming to your house..... When I call you just come down stairs saying this he cuts the call!

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