chapter 150

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Ibrahim has some issues, he is forgetting things that is not a good sign, mehak asked what is happen with him?tell us clearly, he has some problem in his brain, if he takes much tension he will die, hearing this everyone gets shocked, mehak started cries and says Dr what should we do now?what treatment we should give to him, please tell,Dr says I"ll give medicine first than I see what reaction his brain do, but don't give him stress,saying this,Dr goes from there, sameera says mehak please be with him, mehak nobbled her head and goes in her room, after two days Ibrahim was doing his work just than he saw mehak was talking on phone, he smiles seen this and get up from his chair, when he came closer he hears that, yeah zara I will update today saying this she cuts the call and Ibrahim asked you update what jaan?Mehak says story Ibrahim, what story jaan?Mehak gets shocked because Ibrahim didn't remember anything she says. Did you forget that I write stories on social media?what jaan, what kind of joke is that? Tell me honestly, Ibrahim I m telling you honestly,Ibrahim was about to say something he gets faint again, mehak calls the Dr, and Dr says I told you already don't give him stress he will die if he takes stress, mehak started cries hearing this,Dr goes from there and sameera says mehak what to said to him?mehak told them everythink, and sameera says mehak do us a fovour just go from his life,I am sick and tired with this drama, my one and only son will if you leave him but if you will stay he will die than also, maybe after you leave he can survive, but remember one thing we can't give you permission to take kids, saying this sameera goes from there, mehak cries and tai came and console her, mehak says tai I love Ibrahim I can't live without him,I can do anything for him, tai smiles and says for the first time I see the same love in your eyes which I seen in Ibrahim's eyes, she didn't say anything, after one hour Ibrahim still didn't wake up,Dr came and check him he says he is getting serious we have to do his operation, everyone gets shocked hearing this,but at the end they don't have any other option, they take him to the hospital and after all the formalities dr do ibhrahim operation, after some hours Dr says if after one hour Ibrahim didn't get up he will never get up again saying this he goes from there leaving everyone in shock!

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