chapter 143

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Next day when everyone doing there breakfast sameera says Ibrahim I want you to get married again hearing this mehak gets shocked and Ibrahim didn't say anything.mehak says what are you saying ammi and why?I am saying Ibrahim should get married again because I want Ibrahim kids and you are not able to give kids.ammi I have given this house three kids that won't be enough?, no daughter in law that is not enough, says sameera.mehak starts to cry and says Ibrahim told ammi not to say this. ibrahim says ammi is not saying anything wrong.mehak gets shocked with this she says Ibrahim you can't do this with me.i didn't do anything wrong with you mehak.ibrahim I am not given you permission for second marriage.i didn't need your permission mehak.Ibrahim I am your will be my wife says Ibrahim.i will not divorce you I will just doing second marriage that's it.mehak gets extremely shock and hurt with Ibrahim words she cries badly and says fine you want to get married get married but before that let me marry someone else.hearing this Ibrahim gets angry he slap her and mehak says why you slap me?because you are my wife and you are talking about other man.exactly Ibrahim I am your wife and you are my husband how can you expect me to accept your marriage.ibrahim didn't say anything than mehak says why did you get married to me if you wanted to marry someone else.mehak r u feeling pain?ask Ibrahim yes Ibrahim I feel hurt says mehak.i can't do anything in this jaan I am gonna marry second time for kids saying this all of them goes from there leaving mehak all alone 

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