First Encounters

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Valerie was considered an outsider, someone who kept to herself. She was what some would say intimidating or others would say she was impossible to impress. Valerie would like to think that she was content in her life. She was rich in love and success but also wealth. She was at the peak of her career yet so alone even when she was in a room full of people. The last 5 years were momentous for her having opened 5 restaurants and each one of them being fine establishments that were constantly booked out for months on end. Valerie was mysterious to say the least. She was rarely pictured and most of the time was in the kitchen and never once taking interviews about her success. Everything seemed picture perfect but Valerie was a reserved individual that basked in secrecy because she believed that if she kept everyone at bay that she would be able to protect herself. She would never let anyone break her walls down and allow them to hurt her again like once before. Love was a tainted and faded memory for her. It once gripped her aspirations of a future filled with the idea that love was to be shared between two but she was proven wrong and left humiliated and betrayed. Now she vowed to put her energy into the one thing that would never let her down, her success. But after the joys of materialism and nights receiving shallow praises from people she knew that wouldn't look twice at her if it wasn't for her wealth. It made her realise how alone she truly was. This realisation prompted for her sudden move back home closer to her family and the sudden plans to open yet another restaurant but one she would permanently reside at so that she would be closer to home, Monaco. This was never the plan but something in her mind told her that this was the right thing to do so here she was back at home with her parents as she sat on the balcony finalising plans for the purchase of her own apartment along with the blue print to her new restaurant. It had been 3 weeks since she came back yet she buried herself in work trying to avoid the obvious chatter from those around her.

Valerie was now sat there feeling content yet still clouded by her decision. Many were shocked with her sudden departure but those close to her knew that this was true to her nature. They knew that she was never one to settle and when she made her mind up about something that there was no stopping her. Her mother watched from inside and a pang of sadness washed over her mother as she watched Valerie.

"Why don't you go for another walk darling? You always seem lighter after some sun." Her mother said to her making Valerie put down the paper she had been staring at for the past 20 minutes. Valerie turned her head and smiled at her mother will nodding and agreeing with her mother's suggestion. Her mother was right, a nice long walk under the Monaco sun always helped her clear her mind and ease it. Valerie stood up and kissed her mother on the cheek before heading to her temporary room and changing into appropriate work out gear. Valerie tied her sneakers up and made her way into the streets of Monaco and towards the water front and began her journey. For the past 3 weeks she had made up a route that was along the water yet away from the buzzing city. This route allowed her to maintain somewhat some solace and peace since she didn't enjoy a crowed walkway. She was halfway through her walk when suddenly she felt a looming presence near her that it made her stop in her spot. She took her headphone out and looked at the stranger who was startled by her sudden halt and looked down at his feet as if he wasn't just caught red handed.

"Can I help you?" Valerie asked with a sharp tone. The stranger looked up and raised a hand to scratch the back of his neck sheepishly. She stood there with both hands on her hips waiting for his response that seemed to never come from the handsome stranger. Before she could tell him to leave her alone he spoke suddenly.

"Are you new here? This is a small island but I've seen you around these past few weeks so I know you're not a tourist." He said nervously. Instead of responding politely Valerie looked him up and down.

"So you have been stalking me?" She said without missing a beat. The stranger began to stammer and tried to choke up a response denying that claim.

"No! I would never but I just noticed that you walked this track and since I've lived here for awhile I just thought you were a new resident." He said trying his hardest to not seem so nervous. Valerie let out a playful scoff as she put her headphone back in and resumed walking. She had hoped her return to Monaco would remain unnoticed yet it seemed that she would have to find another route for her daily exercise. As she turned her heel and continued on her way she heard the handsome stranger followe her and was soon right by her side still looking at her as if waiting for an answer. Valerie whipped her head towards him and once again taking her headphone out and looking up at him with an annoyed expression clearly.

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