Rekindling the Flame

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Valerie was on her flight home to Monaco and was two glasses of Rose deep. She was trying to steady her racing heart at the idea of seeing Daniel again. After he had texted her asking if it was okay to pick her up from the airport, Valerie felt like she had made another mistake. Was this the right thing to do? Did she even want to hear his reasons to how he had acted towards her? She decided to try and sleep of the rest of the flight and deal with whatever was to come when she landed.

Valerie was now stood at the pick up zone waiting for Daniel. She was just about to call him when a baby blue 720 pulled up right in front of her. Daniel quickly hopped out of the car and without saying a word grabbed her suitcase and putting it in his boot. Valerie scoffed and got into the passengers seat and waited for Daniel to get in. He quickly opened his door and hot on the car and put his seat belt on and began driving. The first 10 minutes of the drive was complete silence between the two. Valerie wasn't going to be the one to break the silence since she didn't have anything to say. It was Daniel that needed to do some explaining.

"How was your flight?" Daniel asked trying to make small talk. Valerie laughed and looked at Daniel like he was crazy. Of all the things he could say he decided to ask her how her flight was.

"It was fine." Valerie said still looking at him. Daniel nodded and continued driving. He seemed to rake his mind and figure out how to begin explaining himself. He was tense and Valerie could see it from how his knuckles were white from how tightly he was holding the steering wheel.

"Valerie, I don't even know how to express to you how sorry I am for how I treated you last weekend." Daniel said. Valerie took in a deep breath as she stayed silent. "I know there is no excuse for how I behaved. I didn't mean to ignore you after the race but I've had a really tough start at Mclaren and it's not getting better so after the race I just didn't want to lash out at you." Daniel seemed strained and it was evident that he was still suffering at the thought of his poor race weekend. "I know that doesn't mean that it was okay for me to project on you but just know that it wasn't personal." Valerie understood where he was coming from and maybe she had reacted too harshly by just leaving like that. But suddenly the imagine of Daniel with his lips on another woman came to mind making Valerie tense up.

"So you decided to replace me within a few hours. What if I hadn't caught you with that woman in the hotel lobby? Would you have even told me it happened?" Valerie said trying not to let Daniel hear the hurt in her voice.

"I know this won't make up for it but I saw an article mentioning that Sebastian had dined at Afolle on Sunday night. I knew you would have been there too and my stupid mind convinced me that you and Sebastian had worked things out. I was drunk and thought the worst case scenarios which was you and him reconciling." Daniel said and it was as pathetic as he sounded.

"How dare you disrespect me like that and assume I would ever allow myself to get back with Sebastian after I told you how much he had hurt me." Valerie said as she felt tears build up in her eyes.

"I know it's not a great excuse but that's honestly how I felt." Daniel said raking his hand through his hair. Valerie knew that Daniel had every right to feel how he was feeling but he was so far from the truth.

"I know it was irrational for me to just check out of the hotel but you wouldn't even look at me after you had promised me that you would be there for me all weekend. My fight or flight kicked in and I just needed to look after myself so I left to my restaurant knowing that I would at least feel comfortable and wanted there. I had no idea Sebastian even had a booking that night so it was news to me as well." Valerie explained exasperated as some tears escaped her eyes. Daniel saw her wipe away from tears and reached over and grabbed her hand giving it a light squeeze. "You had your lips on another woman just hours after they were on mine? Have I misinterpreted this entire thing between you and I?" Valerie asked feeling as vulnerable as ever. "I know you don't owe me anything and we never really made things exclusive so you were free to do as you please. I just thought we had mutual respect for one another to not just cast each other aside like that. You broke your promise to me and made me feel unwanted." Valerie choked.

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