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Daniel was now standing in the club absolutely plastered which wasn't what he had planned at all. After hearing that Sebastian was spotted at Afolle Daniel knew that Valerie would have seen him and he let his mind convince him that Sebastian and Valerie were together right now. He decided to get blind and the next woman that walked his way would be his consolation prize. Daniel was now on his way back to his hotel room with a blonde woman kissing his neck as he secretly wished that it was Valerie's lips. As they stumbled into the lobby Daniel swore he saw Valerie standing across from him as he had another woman flushed against his body with his hands on her lower back. Daniel shook his head and realised that it was Valerie standing there looking at him disgust and hatred. Daniel quickly pushed the woman away from and ran after Valerie.

"Valerie fuck please stop I can explain." Daniel shouted after her.

"I should have known that this weekend was a mistake and that ever meeting you was a mistake. Don't ever come near me again, I won't be another girl on your list." Valerie said before getting into her car and speeding off leaving Daniel a complete mess. He pulled his phone out and called Blake who picked up instantly.

"Blake I just fucked up and I think I just lost Valerie for good."

"Daniel calm down what happened?"

"I saw a blog saying that Seb was dining at Afolle tonight and I just assumed that he and Valerie were together and so I got completely wasted and brought a random girl back to our hotel. For some reason Valerie was here and she saw me kissing this girl who I don't even know their name. I think I just ruined my chances with Valerie. I just lost something I didn't even have yet." Blake let out a long sigh and Daniel knew that his best mate was livid with him.

"Tell that other woman that whatever you were going to do isn't going to happen. Go to your room and sleep it off and I will see you tomorrow morning." Blake said before hanging up. Daniel balled his hands into a fist as he tried to catch his breath. He walked back inside and found his new friend standing there looking very confused.

"Hey let me get you a cab."

"What do you mean? We aren't going up to your room?" The stranger woman said looking angry.

"This was a mistake and I am so sorry but you need to leave now." The lady scoffed and walked away from Daniel as he hailed her a cab and sent her on her way. Daniel gave the driver a few hundred pounds and told him to keep the change. He made his way back to his hotel room where Michael was already waiting for him. Daniel knew that he was in for an earful.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing? You invite Valerie here this weekend and then try to sleep with another woman that you don't even know. Let me remind you just how amazing Valerie is and that she is also your neighbour so I suggest you get your head straight and apologise to her right away when we get back to Monaco. Blake is furious with you too. We know you have had a rough season but just because we are your mates doesn't mean we are going to let you behave like this. Valerie was good to you and you decided to project onto her because of your poor race results and then decide to pull this shit." Michael shouted before storming out of Daniel's room. Daniel held his head in his hands and took in every word Michael had just said felt his eyes water. He knew how bad he had messed up and how he had broken his promise to Valerie. He had single handily pushed Valerie away and possibly into Sebastian's arms.

Valerie had just left Afolle when she realised she had left her glasses back at the hotel. She drove to the hotel and walked to the receptionist who recognised her straight away.

"Hi you must be here for your glasses." The receptionist said kindly. Valerie nodded and thanked her and grab her glasses. She was beyond exhausted and just wanted to head back to her apartment and go to bed. As she made her way out of the lobby she recognised a familiar face who was currently kissing another person. Daniel was stood in front of her with his hands all over some blonde woman. They both seemed drunk but she knew exactly what was about to happen. Daniel had found another woman so quickly and his time with Valerie was a mere past memory. Valerie stormed away from the pair and after telling Daniel to leave her alone she sped off back to her apartment. She didn't realise she was crying until tears began to pour out of her eyes blurring her vision of the road. Valerie slammed her steering wheel as she sobbed. She truly thought that Daniel was her second chance at love but once again she was proven wrong. She should have learn't from the first time to stay away from Formula one drivers because they love like they race. Fast and recklessly. She knew they were both adults and technically hadn't made things offical yet but it didn't mean that she didn't expect some common decency and respect from Daniel. How could he have found a random woman to take to bed so quickly when just hours ago his lips were on hers? Valerie knew what disappointment felt like but this was different. Daniel was different. He gave her a feeling of hope and set her body and heart on fire. He made her feel like she had been looking at the world in the wrong light but after tonight her caution about jumping into something like this was right. She was right all along. She should have never given Daniel a chance and allowed him into her life. She had let down her walls that she had built in order to protect herself yet here she was crying and hurt all over again.

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