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Race week was here once again but for Daniel it was an extra special weekend because right now sat across from him was Valerie. A few nights ago felt like a dream having his lips on hers but it wasn't a dream since here she was attending a race weekend with him. After Valerie had dropped him off he asked for number so he could send her all the details and that he would pick her up to take the jet together since he didn't fans to invade her privacy. Valerie wasn't born yesterday so she knew that once a female was seen with a F1 driver the media and press would have a field day. As she sat there across from Daniel she tried her hardest to not smile in his directions since Michael and Blake were right there too. Valerie wasn't sure what they were but for now she decided to live in the moment and go with the flow which went against everything she believed in. She was a woman of control and order which was how she was able to attain her success yet here she was agreeing to go trip with a man she had met only a few months ago. Daniel seemed to sense her eyes on him and stood up and sat next to her with a grin on his face.

"How are you feeling? Excited for the race?" Daniel asked.

"I'm excited to see you in your element." Valerie said with a smirk. She had always been curious to see how different Daniel was when he on the track. But there was also a nagging feeling in her gut surrounding her visit to the race this weekend with Daniel. The fans and the media. There had already been media buzz about Daniel dining at her restaurant last week but she could already imagine the rumours if she was spotted here this weekend in the paddock. Valerie had always tried her hardest to not get her pictured but that didn't mean she wasn't known to the world. People would be able to make the connection but Valerie didn't care, all she wanted was to be here with Daniel.

"Was that on or off track?" Daniel said with a cheeky smile as he reached over and held her hand. Valerie gave him a playful glare as she leant in so close that their lips were almost touching.

"Both." Valerie murmured as she moved back into her seat leaving Daniel dazed in his place. Daniel heard a snicker behind him coming from Michael and Blake. He quickly cleared his throat and composed himself as he sat up straight in his seat. After some more stolen touches and glances the jet finally landed in Heathrow. The British weather was cold and miserable but nothing could wipe the smile off Daniel's face as he and Valerie along with the rest of his crew headed to their hotel.

Valerie was stood next to Daniel as Blake checked them into their rooms. Her eyes had a playful glint as Daniel tried his hardest not to pull her into his arms. There were many fans around them especially since it was a race weekend so he had to be extra careful. The last thing he wanted was for the media and his fans to invade Valerie's privacy and Daniel knew how much she valued her privacy. The receptionist seemed to recognise Daniel as she seemed to take her time checking them in and not to mention the death glares she was shooting at Valerie that Daniel seemed to notice right away.

"Was there anything else I could do for you Mr Riccardo?" Asked the receptionist while she batted her lashes and bit her lip suggestively. Valerie hoped her face didn't show her repulse but based on Daniel's giggles and the scorn look on the receptionist's face that she definitely did. Valerie wasn't sure if this type of behaviour was common but it seemed like it was since Daniel wasn't even phased by the woman's boldness.

"Just the keys to the room please." Daniel said trying his hardest not to come across as rude but his smile was tight unlike his usual teeth baring grin.

"Enjoy your stay with us and if you need anything and I mean anything please let me know." The woman said handing Daniel the room keys but not before brushing her hand against Daniel's. He turned around to face Valerie and rolled his eyes making her laugh. The woman behind the counter let out a scoff and Daniel decided that he didn't want to entertain the situation any longer so he turned his back to block Valerie from the receptionist and suddenly gabbed her hand marching towards the elevator taking Valerie with him. As the door closed Valerie caught a glimpse of the receptionist glaring at them and she decided to wave at her just to add fuel to the fire. Daniel and Valerie stood in a silence for a few moment before they both broke out in a fit of giggles.

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