Chapter 7

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Halloween approached. After getting up and taking Jack for a walk, Violet went back to her dorm to get ready and headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast.

"Happy Halloween." Cedric greeted her.

"You too." Violet said.

"Here." Cedric said, handing her some treats. Her favorites were pumpkin pasties and chocolate cauldrons.

"And I have some for you too." Violet said as she handed him some sweets. Butterbeer Fudge was Cedric's favorite.

"Come on. Let's have some breakfast before we dig into our candy." Cedric said.

"Give me one minute." Violet said as she looked over at Gryffindor table. "I have some candy for Fred and George."

"Alright." Cedric said.

Violet made her way over to the Gryffindor table. "Hey boys. Happy Halloween." She greeted them.

"Happy Halloween, Rosie." George said. As a joke, Fred and George always called Violet by any other flower than her actual name.

"I have something for you two." Violet said as she handed them a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, which were their favorite candy.

"Thanks Violet." Fred said.

"You're welcome." Violet said. "Have a good day."

Cedric noticing Violet smirking as she walked back to the Hufflepuff table. "What did you do?" He asked.

"I simply just gave them a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans." Violet said, innocently. "That might only have nasty tasting jellybeans."

Cedric chuckled. "You're just as bad as them." He said.

"At least I don't do anything to get myself in trouble." Violet said. The two laughed as they started on their breakfast.

After eating, they went about going to their classes like any other day.

By the evening, everyone had gathered for the feast.

Violet was sitting with Cedric and some other third year Hufflepuff's. "Violet!" She heard. She looked up to see Fred and George walking over to her. "Yes?" Violet said, attempting to contain her amusement.

"You gave us an entire box of nasty tasting jellybeans." Fred said.

"So what if I did?" Violet asked. They certainly didn't look mad or upset.

"That was a good one." George said. ""We're impressed."

Violet laughed. "Only you guys would find someone pranking you two amusing." She said. The twins laughed as they walked away.

While everyone was enjoying the feast, Professor Quirrell came rushing into the Great Hall.

"There's a Troll in the dungeons!" He exclaimed. All of the students started freaking out.

"Everyone, settle down!" Dumbledore called to order. "Prefects, take your houses to their common rooms. Teachers, follow me to the dungeons."

Everyone filed out of the room.

Violet noticed that Harry and Ron were heading away from their house and towards the girls bathroom. "What kind of trouble are getting into this time?" Violet thought. She sighed before following them.

By the time she got to the bathroom, she heard screaming. She rushed into the bathroom to see Harry, Ron, and the Gryffindor girl from the night before. As well as the troll. The girl was cowering against the wall.

Violet said a spell to get the troll's attention away from the younger students. "Use Wingardium Leviosa while it's distracted." She instructed the boys. "Lift it's bat to knock it out." Ron did so. Violet moved out of the troll's way before it fell over.

Just then, Professors McGonagall, Snape, and Quirrell came running into the bathroom.

"What were four thinking?" McGonagall explained. The four students were speechless.

"It's my fault, Professor." The girl said. "I went after the troll, thinking I could defeat it. The others were just trying to save me."

"I am appalled, Ms. Granger. 5 points will taken from Gryffindor." McGonagall said. "And you, Ms. Dumbledore. You should have known better. 5 points from Hufflepuff will be taken, as well." She turned on Harry and Ron. "As for you two." She said. "It's takes a lot of courage to take on a troll. 5 points each will rewarded to Gryffindor. Now, get back to your common rooms. The rest of the feast will be celebrated there."

The four students walked out of the bathroom.

Violet headed back to the Hufflepuff common room.

"Are you ok?" Cedric asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Violet said. "Although, I lost our house five points."

"That's not a big deal." Cedric said. "What were thinking?"

Before she could answer, Professor Sprout came over to them. "Violet, Professor Dumbledore would like to see you in office." She said.

Violet looked at Cedric before making her way to Dumbledore's office. She gave the password and went up to his office. She saw him sitting at his desk. Violet cleared her throat to make herself known.

"Violet, what were you thinking." Dumbledore said, without looking up from what he was doing.

"I'm sorry, sir." Violet said.

"This is about Harry, isn't it?" Dumbledore said as he finally looked up at Violet.

"He's my brother." Violet said. "I wanted to make sure he was ok."

"I understand that, Violet, but it was still dangerous." Dumbledore said. "You know that."

"Can I please tell him?" Violet asked. "I want to tell him. He deserves to know."

"Alright. He can know." Dumbledore said. "But for Professor McGonagall's sake, please wait until after the Quidditch match. We would never hear the end of it if she found out Gryffindor lost the match because their new Seeker wasn't focused on the game."

"Okay." Violet said with a chuckle.

"Now, go back to your common room and enjoy the rest of the feast." Dumbledore said. "And please try not to get into anymore trouble."

"Yes, sir." Violet said. She walked out of the office and went back to the Hufflepuff common room. Cedric was waiting for her.

"You ok?" He asked.

"Yeah." Violet said.

"You went after them to make sure Harry was ok, didn't you?" Cedric asked.

"Yes." Violet said. "I know it was a dumb thing to do, but."

"He's your brother." Cedric said. "Whether he knows it or not, you care about him and want to make sure he's ok."

Violet nodded. "Dumbledore's going to tell Harry that we're brother and sister." She said.

"That's great." Cedric said. "I'm sure you're happy about that."

"Yeah, I am." Violet said.

"Come on, it's getting late." Cedric said. "We should get to bed."

"I'll see you tomorrow." Violet said before going up to her dorm.

Jack started barking as she walked in. "Hi boy." Violet greeted. She changed into her sleepwear and climbed into her bed. "Come on, boy." She said, patting the spot next to her.

Jack hopped onto to bed and snuggled into Violet's side. The two fell asleep.

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