Chapter 11

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Christmas morning came. Violet was woken up to Jack licking her. "Ok. Down boy." Violet said, laughing. "Merry Christmas." She climbed out of bed and saw a bunch of gifts at the foot of her bed.

Violet started opening them. She got a wooden carved dog from Hagrid. A new school bag from McGonagall. She also received some books from the other professors. Yes, she got gifts from the professors. Because she spent so much time at the school when she was younger, the professors had grown very fond of Violet. She had gotten another knitted sweater from Molly Weasley. It was purple with a blue V on it. Cedric had gotten her a new case for her glasses with her named engraved on it. She had gotten him a Quidditch book. Violet even had a gift from Harry, which was a dog toy for Jack. Now she felt bad because she didn't get anything for him. They hadn't known each other for very long and she didn't know to get him. Maybe she could go the same route and get something for Hedwig.

"Look what you got boy." Violet said, handing him the toy. She had gotten him a new dog bed. The last gift she opened was from Fred and George. It was a box and when she opened it, slime covered all over her. She sighed. Violet did notice that she hadn't gotten anything from Dumbledore. Which she thought was odd. Violet went to take a shower and change.

She fed Jack and headed to the Great Hall for breakfast

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She fed Jack and headed to the Great Hall for breakfast. Harry, Ron, and his brothers were already there.

"Good morning, everyone." Violet greeted. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, Violet." McGonagall returned the greeting.

"Thanks for the gift, boys." Violet said, standing behind Fred and George. "I enjoyed it."

"We're glad you liked it." George said with a chuckle.

Violet picked up a thing of maple syrup and poured it on them. "And here's my gift to you guys." She said with a smirk.

"Alright. We deserved that." Fred said.

Violet sat down next to them and started eating. "Hi Harry." She said.

"Hey Violet." Harry said.

"Thanks for the gift." Violet said.

"Oh. You're welcome." Harry said.

"I feel bad I didn't get you anything when you got something for me." Violet said.

"It's alright." Harry said. "Besides, it's more a gift for Jack than yourself."

"Well, he likes it." Violet said.

"I'm glad." Harry said.

"So, what did you get for Christmas?" Violet asked.

"Some things from Ron, Hermione, and Hagrid. Ron's Mum gave a sweater." Harry explained.

"I got one too." Violet said.

"But, the best gift I got was Dad's invisibility cloak." Harry continued.

"Who gave it to you?" Violet asked.

"I don't know." Harry said. "There was note saying it belonged to Dad and that I should have it." Harry replied. "But, it didn't say who it was from."

"That's odd." Violet said.

"Yeah." Harry said. "Do you want to hang out today?"

"Of course." Violet said. "I'm going to take Jack outside once we're done eating, if you want to join."

"Sure." Harry said.

Once everyone finished eating, Violet went up to her room. She pulled in her snow boots and winter jacket. "Come on, buddy. Let's take you outside." Violet said as she attached his leash to his collar. Harry and Ron were already outside and Fred and George were right behind Violet. "Where's Percy?" Violet asked.

"Inside being a loser." Fred said.

Violet let Jack run around and do his business. She started forming a snowball with the snow and lobbed it at Harry.

"Hey!" He exclaimed.

"Hey. That's what siblings do." Violet said. "I bet you can't hit me." Harry threw a snowball at her, but she ducked out of the way. "Ha! Missed me." Violet said. But at that moment, she was hit in the back of the head.

"But, I didn't." George said, laughing.

"Oh, it's on." Violet said.

Soon, they were all laughing and out of breath.

"Why don't we go inside and relax before the feast?" Violet suggested.

"Good idea." Harry agreed.

They all went inside. They went to the kitchen to have the house elves make them some hot chocolate and headed to the Gryffindor tower, including Violet.

Later that evening, after the feast, Violet made her way to the seventh floor corridor. She wanted to see her parents. The door appeared and Violet walked inside. It was the same room from before, only it was decorated for Christmastime. She saw the portrait of her parents.

"Hi Mum. Hi Dad." Violet greeted them.

"Hi sweet girl." Lily said.

Violet cast the "Incendio" charm on the fireplace again. Hanging on the mantle of the fireplace were four stockings, with their names embroidered on each of them. Her's was baby blue with an angel on it. "Merry Christmas." Violet said.

"Merry Christmas, baby girl." James said. "How was your day?"

"It was great." Violet said, smiling. She reiterated her day to her parents.

"Sounds like you had good day." Lily said.

"Yeah." Violet said. "Dad, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, sweetheart." James said.

"Was there anybody in your family that was a Hufflepuff?" Violet asked.

"Not really. Mostly Gryffindors. A couple Ravenclaws." James replied. "Why do you ask?"

"You, Mom, and Harry were all Gryffindors. I feel like the odd one out in the family." Violet said. "If you guys were still alive, would you be ok with me being in Hufflepuff?"

"What house you're placed in wouldn't matter to us." Lily said. "We would love either way."

"I just know how some pure blood families are." Violet said.

"My family is not like other pure blood families." James said. "I think you being the first Hufflepuff in the family makes you pretty unique."

Violet smiled. She continued to talk to her parents.

AN: Violet's dog, Jack.

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