Chapter 8

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That same night, Violet was walking through the the castle since she couldn't sleep. She had gotten her peppermint tea from the house elves and was walking through the halls, thinking of her parents. She really missed them.

As she was walking, she was in a hallway she had been down before, but there was something different this time. On one of the walls, that typically had nothing, there was now a door. Violet stood there, staring at the door in confusion. As well as curiously. Her curiosity got the better of her and decided to see what's inside.

Violet opened the door and closed it. When she turned around, it looked like some kind of living room. And there was something familiar about the room, but she couldn't place it. She looked around the room. There was a brown leather couch, a matching, and a small purple chair that was definitely for a small child. There was also a fireplace, with pictures on the mantle, and a tv. There was a bookshelf with many things on it. The walls were blue and tan. The last thing Violet noticed was a large picture frame on one of the walls. But, this wasn't just any picture frame. It was a picture frame of Lily and James Potter.

Violet stopped dead in her tracks as stared at the photo. "Mum? Dad?" She finally said.

"Hi baby girl." James said.

Violet started to tear up, but quickly wiped the tears away. Even though she was technically alone, she didn't want her parents to see her cry.

"It's alright to cry, sweetheart." Lily said.

"How's my invisible girl?" James asked.

Violet giggled, but also, even more tears welled up in eyes at James's nickname for her. "I miss you guys." She answered.

"It's ok to miss us." Lily said.

"What is this place?" Violet asked.

"Our living room in Godric's Hallow." James answered.

Violet was now speechless. That was why the room was familiar to her. She also knew that there was no possible way for this room to be in Hogwarts and guessed the living room from Godric's Hallow was conjured into this room. How that happened, Violet wasn't sure, but she was going to look into it. Right now, Violet knew she had a chance to talk to her parents. Which was something she hadn't been able to do for ten years. She looked at the fireplace.

"Incendio." She casted, making a fire in the fireplace. It made for some light and warmth. She looked at the furniture. The purple chair, that she now realized was hers, was too small for her now. She wouldn't fit in. So, she took to the recliner. James chuckled, which caused Violet to giggle.

"You have turned into such a beautiful young lady, Violet." Lily complimented.

"Thanks Mum." Violet said, smiling.

"We know it hasn't been easy for you since that night." Lily said. "But, it looks like you've been well taken care of."

Violet was quiet as she sipped her tea.

"What's wrong, Vi?" James asked.

"I feel guilty." Violet replied. "I've grown up, so far, being raised in a good home, while Harry has lived in a terrible one."

"You have nothing to feel guilty about, Violet." Lily said. "Yes, you and Harry didn't deserve the life you we're dealt with and we are truly sorry for that. And Harry may have ended up in a worse situation than you have, but none of that is your fault."

"At least now, you two have reunited and you can spend that time making memories with each other." Violet smiled and nodded.

"So, how's school?" Lily asked.

Violet smiled wider. She loved talking about school. She knew she did well in school and was always top of her class, although she didn't like bragging about how well she did in school. "It's great." She answered. "Charms is my best subject."

Now, it was James turn to smile. "Much like your mother." He said.

"Really?" Violet asked.

"Yes." Lily said. "There was a point where I had considered studying under Flitwick, so I could be the be the new Charms Professor, for whenever he decided to retire."

"I also do well in Potions." Violet continued. "And Astronomy is my favorite subject."

"We're glad to hear how much you like school and how well you're doing." Lily said.

Violet told them about Quidditch and her friends. James enjoyed hearing about Quidditch and found it impressive that Harry was put on the team as a first year. As well as Violet being a Chaser. He also thought Fred and George were hilarious. They both thought Cedric was a lovely boy.

"Sounds like you have some great friends." James said.

"It's late and you have classes tomorrow." Lily said. "You should get to bed."

Violet didn't want to leave, but knew her mother was right. "Alright." Violet said. "Love you, guys."

"We love you too, sweetheart." James said.

Violet put out the fire and walked out of the room. As she walked away, she noticed the door disappear. She was definitely going to look into what this room was.

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