Chapter 5

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Saturday came. After breakfast, Violet went up to her room to change.

She decided to bring Jack with her

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She decided to bring Jack with her. Besides from the morning and evening walks she gives him, he doesn't get out of the castle very much.

All of the students that could go to Hogsmeade were waiting outside the castle entrance. Professor McGonagall was checking everyone's permission slip. They had to have a parent or guardian's signature allowing them to go. Violet met up with Cedric.

"Hey." He greeted.

"Hey." Violet said back. "How are you?"

"I am wonderful." Cedric replied. "And how are you?"

"I'm great." Violet said. They started walking towards Hogsmeade. "I hope I look ok." Violet said. "You didn't really give me any indication on where we were going for our date."

"You look great." Cedric said. "I thought we could get something at the cafe, if that's ok with you."

"Sounds good." Violet said.

A few minutes, they both had a drink and something to eat and were sitting at an outside table. Violet had gotten Jack a cup of water to drink from.

"I hope it's alright I brought Jack with me." Violet said. "I figured he would enjoy the fresh air."

"I don't mind at all." Cedric said, patting the dog. "We can play catch with him after we've finished eating." Jack lifted his head in excitement.

"Looks like he would like that." Violet said, chuckling. The two kind of sat there. Neither of them saying anything. The two had already gotten to know each other over the past two years. "I'm sorry." Violet said. "I'm not really sure what to say."

"I guess we've already gotten to know each other." Cedric said.

"Yeah." Violet agreed.

"How was your summer?" Cedric asked.

"It was good." Violet said. "Spent most of it reading the textbooks for third year. You know me."

"I do." Cedric said, with a chuckle. "Always staying ahead of everyone else. I guess there's an advantage to living with the Headmaster, little miss smarty pants."

Violet giggled. "How was your summer?" She asked.

"It was good." Cedric replied.

Once they had finished eating, they browsed the shops. Afterwards, they played catch with Jack.

Fred and George came over to them. "Hey guys." George greeted.

"Hey." Cedric said.

"So, you guys ready for the quidditch season?" Fred asked.

"You bet." Violet said. "Gryffindor is going down."

"Not with our new Seeker." George said.

"You guys have a new Seeker?" Cedric asked.

"Harry Potter." Fred answered.

Violet looked at the two. "How is that possible?" She asked. "First years aren't allowed to play quidditch."

"He's the first." George replied. "McGonagall got Dumbledore to the waive the first years rule."

"He's really good." Fred added. "And apparently it's in his blood."

"What are you talking about?" Violet asked.

"You might want to check out the previous Gryffindor quidditch players." George said. "Your Dad was a Seeker, as well."

"Also, don't say anything about Harry being on the team." Fred added. "Wood wants to keep it secret." Violet nodded.

A little bit later, they were back at the castle. Violet and Cedric headed to a certain area that was dedicated to quidditch. They looked at the previous Gryffindor players and Violet saw her father's name with Seeker above it.

"He was a Gryffindor Seeker." Violet said.

There was a window nearby that looked out upon the quidditch field. The Gryffindor team was currently practicing.

"Why don't we check him out." Cedric suggested. Violet laughed.

"Want to see how good he is?" She asked.

"Maybe." Cedric said, chuckling. "Plus, we can see if there's any other new members on the team."

The two headed to the field and watched the Gryffindor team practice.

"He's pretty good." Cedric said. "I guess I do have some competition."

"It really does run in his blood." Violet said.

"Yours too." Cedric said.

"My Dad would be proud of Harry being a Seeker." Violet said.

"He would be proud of you too." Cedric said.

"But, I'm just a Chaser." Violet said.

"You're the best Chaser on the team." Cedric said. "Your Dad would be proud of that too."

"I guess." Violet said.

"Come on." Cedric said. "Let's go back to the common room." Violet followed Cedric. "Are you ok?" Cedric asked, once they got back to the common room.

"Yes." Violet said.

"You don't look ok." Cedric said.

"I'm fine, Ric." Violet said.

Cedric knew there was something bothering Violet and had an idea of what it was, but he didn't push the subject. "Come on." He said. "Let's get some dinner." They headed to the Great Hall.

AN: Just letting you guys know that I added that Violet has a Time Turner that she uses to get to all her classes. Similar to Hermione in Prisoner of Azkaban.

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